Source code for desdeo_vis.widget.widgets

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

from ipywidgets import DOMWidget
from traitlets import Unicode, Dict, List, Bool, observe, default
from desdeo.utils.exceptions import DESDEOException
from desdeo.method.NIMBUS import NIMBUS
from desdeo.preference import NIMBUSClassification
from desdeo_vis._version import EXTENSION_SPEC_VERSION
from desdeo_vis.conf import get_conf

module_name = "desdeo_vis"

class InvalidNimbusPreferencesException(DESDEOException):

[docs]class VegaWidget(DOMWidget): _model_name = Unicode('VegaModel').tag(sync=True) _model_module = Unicode(module_name).tag(sync=True) _model_module_version = Unicode(EXTENSION_SPEC_VERSION).tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('VegaView').tag(sync=True) _view_module = Unicode(module_name).tag(sync=True) _view_module_version = Unicode(EXTENSION_SPEC_VERSION).tag(sync=True) spec = Dict().tag(sync=True)
[docs]class ParplotWidget(VegaWidget): """ A parallel plot widget to display solutions to a multi-objective optimization problem. """ _model_name = Unicode('ParplotModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('ParplotView').tag(sync=True) maximized = List().tag(sync=True) orig_max_as_min = Bool().tag(sync=True) cur_max_as_min = Bool().tag(sync=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, results, problem, max_as_min=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- results The solutions to plot. problem The DESDEO problem with which the plot is made with respect to. max_as_min Whether to reformulate maximized functions as minimized functions. """ self.results = results self.problem = problem self.maximized = problem.maximized if max_as_min is not None: self.orig_max_as_min = max_as_min else: self.orig_max_as_min = get_conf('max_as_min') self.update_spec() super().__init__(**kwargs)
@default('cur_max_as_min') def _max_as_min_default(self): return self.orig_max_as_min @observe('cur_max_as_min') def update_max_as_min(self, change): self.update_spec()
[docs] def update_spec(self): from desdeo_vis.plot.parallel import vega3_parplot_spec self.spec = vega3_parplot_spec( self.results, self.problem, max_as_min=self.cur_max_as_min, dim_tooltips=True, dim_symbols=True)
[docs]class NimbusPrefWidget(ParplotWidget): """ A NIMBUS preference selection widget. This allows for graphical selection of preferences in the form NIMBUS requires. """ _model_name = Unicode('NimbusPrefModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('NimbusPrefView').tag(sync=True) prefs = List(Dict()).tag(sync=True) prob = Unicode(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, results, problem, max_as_min=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(results, problem, max_as_min=max_as_min, **kwargs)
[docs] def nimbus_clf(self, meth: NIMBUS) -> NIMBUSClassification: """ Get the NIMBUS preference currently selected with the widget as a NIMBUSClassification. Raises a InvalidNimbusPreferencesException if an invalid preference is chosen. """ if self.prob is not None: raise InvalidNimbusPreferencesException( "Preference is invalid: " + self.prob) return NIMBUSClassification( meth, [ ( pref['kind'], float(pref['val']) if 'val' in pref else 0.0 ) for pref in self.prefs ] )