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Defines various functions for scalarizing multiobjective optimization problems.

Note that when scalarization functions are defined, they must add the post-fix '_min' to any symbol representing objective functions so that the maximization or minimization of the corresponding objective functions may be correctly accounted for when computing scalarization function values.


Defines the supported operators in the MathJSON format.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
class Op:
    """Defines the supported operators in the MathJSON format."""

    # TODO: move this to problem/, make it use this, and import it here from there
    # Basic arithmetic operators
    NEGATE = "Negate"
    ADD = "Add"
    SUB = "Subtract"
    MUL = "Multiply"
    DIV = "Divide"

    # Exponentation and logarithms
    EXP = "Exp"
    LN = "Ln"
    LB = "Lb"
    LG = "Lg"
    LOP = "LogOnePlus"
    SQRT = "Sqrt"
    SQUARE = "Square"
    POW = "Power"

    # Rounding operators
    ABS = "Abs"
    CEIL = "Ceil"
    FLOOR = "Floor"

    # Trigonometric operations
    ARCCOS = "Arccos"
    ARCCOSH = "Arccosh"
    ARCSIN = "Arcsin"
    ARCSINH = "Arcsinh"
    ARCTAN = "Arctan"
    ARCTANH = "Arctanh"
    COS = "Cos"
    COSH = "Cosh"
    SIN = "Sin"
    SINH = "Sinh"
    TAN = "Tan"
    TANH = "Tanh"

    # Comparison operators
    EQUAL = "Equal"
    GREATER = "Greater"
    GREATER_EQUAL = "GreaterEqual"
    LESS = "Less"
    LESS_EQUAL = "LessEqual"
    NOT_EQUAL = "NotEqual"

    # Other operators
    MAX = "Max"
    RATIONAL = "Rational"


Bases: Exception

Raised when issues with creating or adding scalarization functions are encountered.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
class ScalarizationError(Exception):
    """Raised when issues with creating or adding scalarization functions are encountered."""


add_asf_diff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_point: dict[str, float], rho: float = 1e-06, delta: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Adds the differentiable variant of the achievement scalarizing function.

\[\begin{align*} \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{z_i^\text{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}} \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - \bar{z}_i}{z_i^\text{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}} - \alpha \leq 0,\\ & \mathbf{x} \in S, \end{align*}\]

where \(f_i\) are objective functions, \(z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta\) is a component of the utopian point, \(\bar{z}_i\) is a component of the reference point, \(\rho\) and \(\delta\) are small scalar values, \(S\) is the feasible solution space of the original problem, and \(\alpha\) is an auxiliary variable.


Wierzbicki, A. P. (1982). A mathematical basis for satisficing decision making. Mathematical modelling, 3(5), 391-405.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem the scalarization is added to.

symbol str

the symbol given to the added scalarization.

reference_point dict[str, float]

a dict with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e., aspiration levels.

rho float

a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.

delta float

a small scalar to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.


Add reference in augmentation term option!

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_asf_diff(
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_point: dict[str, float],
    rho: float = 1e-6,
    delta: float = 1e-6,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Adds the differentiable variant of the achievement scalarizing function.

        \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{z_i^\text{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}} \\
        \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - \bar{z}_i}{z_i^\text{nad}
        - z_i^{\star\star}} - \alpha \leq 0,\\
        & \mathbf{x} \in S,

    where $f_i$ are objective functions, $z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta$ is
    a component of the utopian point, $\bar{z}_i$ is a component of the reference point,
    $\rho$ and $\delta$ are small scalar values, $S$ is the feasible solution
    space of the original problem, and $\alpha$ is an auxiliary variable.

        Wierzbicki, A. P. (1982). A mathematical basis for satisficing decision
            making. Mathematical modelling, 3(5), 391-405.

        problem (Problem): the problem the scalarization is added to.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the added scalarization.
        reference_point (dict[str, float]): a dict with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e.,
            aspiration levels.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective
            function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

        Add reference in augmentation term option!
    # check reference point
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
        msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing value for one or more objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    ideal_point, nadir_point = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)
    corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point)

    # define the auxiliary variable
    alpha = Variable(

    # define the objective function of the scalarization
    aug_expr = " + ".join(
            (f"{obj.symbol}_min / ({nadir_point[obj.symbol]} - {ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta})")
            for obj in problem.objectives

    target_expr = f"_alpha + {rho}*" + f"({aug_expr})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="ASF scalarization objective function",

    constraints = []

    for obj in problem.objectives:
        expr = (
            f"({obj.symbol}_min - {corrected_rp[obj.symbol]}) / "
            f"({nadir_point[obj.symbol]} - {ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta}) - _alpha"

                name=f"Constraint for {obj.symbol}",

    _problem = problem.add_variables([alpha])
    _problem = _problem.add_scalarization(scalarization)
    return _problem.add_constraints(constraints), symbol


add_asf_generic_diff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_point: dict[str, float], weights: dict[str, float], reference_point_aug: dict[str, float] | None = None, weights_aug: dict[str, float] | None = None, rho: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Adds the differentiable variant of the generic achievement scalarizing function.

\[\begin{align*} \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{w_i} \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i} - \alpha \leq 0,\\ & \mathbf{x} \in S, \end{align*}\]

where \(f_i\) are objective functions, \(q_i\) is a component of the reference point, and \(w_i\) are components of the weight vector (which are assumed to be positive), \(\rho\) and \(\delta\) are small scalar values, \(S\) is the feasible solution space of the original problem, and \(\alpha\) is an auxiliary variable. The summation term in the scalarization is known as the augmentation term. If a reference point is chosen to be used in the augmentation term, e.g., a separate reference point for the augmentation term is given (reference_point_aug), then the reference point components are subtracted from the objective function values in the nominator of the augmentation term. That is:

\[\begin{align*} \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i} \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i} - \alpha \leq 0,\\ & \mathbf{x} \in S, \end{align*}\]

Wierzbicki, A. P. (1982). A mathematical basis for satisficing decision making. Mathematical modelling, 3(5), 391-405.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem the scalarization is added to.

symbol str

the symbol given to the added scalarization.

reference_point dict[str, float]

a dict with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e., aspiration levels.

weights dict[str, float]

the weights to be used in the scalarization function. Must be positive.

reference_point_aug dict[str, float]

a dict with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components for the augmentation term, i.e., aspiration levels. Defeults to None.

weights_aug dict[str, float]

the weights to be used in the scalarization function's augmentation term. Must be positive. Defaults to None.

rho float

a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_asf_generic_diff(  # noqa: PLR0913
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_point: dict[str, float],
    weights: dict[str, float],
    reference_point_aug: dict[str, float] | None = None,
    weights_aug: dict[str, float] | None = None,
    rho: float = 1e-6,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Adds the differentiable variant of the generic achievement scalarizing function.

        \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{w_i} \\
        \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i} - \alpha \leq 0,\\
        & \mathbf{x} \in S,

    where $f_i$ are objective functions, $q_i$ is a component of the reference point,
    and $w_i$ are components of the weight vector (which are assumed to be positive),
    $\rho$ and $\delta$ are small scalar values, $S$ is the feasible solution
    space of the original problem, and $\alpha$ is an auxiliary variable.
    The summation term in the scalarization is known as the _augmentation term_.
    If a reference point is chosen to be used in the augmentation term, e.g., a separate
    reference point for the augmentation term is given (`reference_point_aug`), then
    the reference point components are subtracted from the objective function values
    in the nominator of the augmentation term. That is:

        \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i} \\
        \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i} - \alpha \leq 0,\\
        & \mathbf{x} \in S,

        Wierzbicki, A. P. (1982). A mathematical basis for satisficing decision
            making. Mathematical modelling, 3(5), 391-405.

        problem (Problem): the problem the scalarization is added to.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the added scalarization.
        reference_point (dict[str, float]): a dict with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e.,
            aspiration levels.
        weights (dict[str, float]): the weights to be used in the scalarization function. Must be positive.
        reference_point_aug (dict[str, float], optional): a dict with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components for the augmentation term, i.e.,
            aspiration levels. Defeults to None.
        weights_aug (dict[str, float], optional): the weights to be used in the scalarization function's
            augmentation term. Must be positive. Defaults to None.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective
            function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.
    # check reference point
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
        msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing a value for one or more objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check augmentation term reference point
    if reference_point_aug is not None and not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point_aug):
        msg = (
            f"The given reference point for the augmentation term {reference_point_aug} "
            "does not have a component defined for all the objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check the weight vector
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, weights):
        msg = f"The given weight vector {weights} is missing a value for one or more objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check the weight vector for the augmentation term
    if weights_aug is not None and not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, weights_aug):
        msg = f"The given weight vector {weights_aug} is missing a value for one or more objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    ideal_point, nadir_point = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)
    corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point)
    if reference_point_aug is not None:
        corrected_rp_aug = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point_aug)

    # define the auxiliary variable
    alpha = Variable(

    # define the augmentation term
    if reference_point_aug is None and weights_aug is None:
        # no reference point in augmentation term
        # same weights for both terms
        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({obj.symbol}_min / {weights[obj.symbol]})" for obj in problem.objectives])
    elif reference_point_aug is None and weights_aug is not None:
        # different weights provided for augmentation term
        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({obj.symbol}_min / {weights_aug[obj.symbol]})" for obj in problem.objectives])
    elif reference_point_aug is not None and weights_aug is None:
        # reference point in augmentation term
        aug_expr = " + ".join(
                f"(({obj.symbol}_min - {corrected_rp_aug[obj.symbol]}) / {weights[obj.symbol]})"
                for obj in problem.objectives
        aug_expr = " + ".join(
                f"(({obj.symbol}_min - {corrected_rp_aug[obj.symbol]}) / {weights_aug[obj.symbol]})"
                for obj in problem.objectives

    target_expr = f"_alpha + {rho}*" + f"({aug_expr})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="Generic ASF scalarization objective function",

    constraints = []

    for obj in problem.objectives:
        expr = f"({obj.symbol}_min - {corrected_rp[obj.symbol]}) / {weights[obj.symbol]} - _alpha"

        # since we are subtracting a constant value, the linearity, convexity,
        # and differentiability of the objective function, and hence the
        # constraint, should not change.
                name=f"Constraint for {obj.symbol}",

    _problem = problem.add_variables([alpha])
    _problem = _problem.add_scalarization(scalarization)
    return _problem.add_constraints(constraints), symbol


add_asf_generic_nondiff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_point: dict[str, float], weights: dict[str, float], reference_point_aug: dict[str, float] | None = None, weights_aug: dict[str, float] | None = None, rho: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Adds the generic achievement scalarizing function to a problem with the given reference point, and weights.

This is the non-differentiable variant of the generic achievement scalarizing function, which means the resulting scalarization function is non-differentiable. Compared to add_asf_nondiff, this variant is useful, when the problem being scalarized does not have a defined ideal or nadir point, or both. The weights should be non-zero to avoid zero division.

The scalarization is defined as follows:

\[\begin{equation} \mathcal{S}_\text{ASF}(F(\mathbf{x}); \mathbf{q}, \mathbf{w}) = \underset{i=1,\ldots,k}{\text{max}} \left[ \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i} \right] + \rho\sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{w_i}, \end{equation}\]

where \(\mathbf{q} = [q_1,\dots,q_k]\) is a reference point, \(\mathbf{w} = [w_1,\dots,w_k]\) are weights, \(k\) is the number of objective functions, and \(\delta\) and \(\rho\) are small scalar values. The summation term in the scalarization is known as the augmentation term. If a reference point is chosen to be used in the augmentation term, e.g., a separate reference point for the augmentation term is given (reference_point_aug), then the reference point components are subtracted from the objective function values in the nominator of the augmentation term. That is:

\[\begin{equation} \mathcal{S}_\text{ASF}(F(\mathbf{x}); \mathbf{q}, \mathbf{w}) = \underset{i=1,\ldots,k}{\text{max}} \left[ \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i} \right] + \rho\sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i}. \end{equation}\]


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to which the scalarization function should be added.

symbol str

the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.

reference_point dict[str, float]

a reference point with as many components as there are objectives.

weights dict[str, float]

the weights to be used in the scalarization function. must be positive.

reference_point_aug dict[str, float]

a dict with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components for the augmentation term, i.e., aspiration levels. Defeults to None.

weights_aug dict[str, float]

the weights to be used in the scalarization function's augmentation term. Must be positive. Defaults to None.

rho float

the weight factor used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.



Type Description

If either the reference point or the weights given are missing any of the objective components.


If any of the ideal or nadir point values are undefined (None).


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added, and the symbol of the added scalarization function.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_asf_generic_nondiff(  # noqa: PLR0913
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_point: dict[str, float],
    weights: dict[str, float],
    reference_point_aug: dict[str, float] | None = None,
    weights_aug: dict[str, float] | None = None,
    rho: float = 0.000001,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Adds the generic achievement scalarizing function to a problem with the given reference point, and weights.

    This is the non-differentiable variant of the generic achievement scalarizing function, which
    means the resulting scalarization function is non-differentiable. Compared to `add_asf_nondiff`, this
    variant is useful, when the problem being scalarized does not have a defined ideal or nadir point,
    or both. The weights should be non-zero to avoid zero division.

    The scalarization is defined as follows:

        \mathcal{S}_\text{ASF}(F(\mathbf{x}); \mathbf{q}, \mathbf{w}) =
        \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i}
        + \rho\sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{w_i},

    where $\mathbf{q} = [q_1,\dots,q_k]$ is a reference point, $\mathbf{w} =
    [w_1,\dots,w_k]$ are weights, $k$ is the number of objective functions, and
    $\delta$ and $\rho$ are small scalar values. The summation term in the
    scalarization is known as the _augmentation term_. If a reference point is
    chosen to be used in the augmentation term, e.g., a separate
    reference point for the augmentation term is given (`reference_point_aug`), then
    the reference point components are subtracted from the objective function values
    in the nominator of the augmentation term. That is:

        \mathcal{S}_\text{ASF}(F(\mathbf{x}); \mathbf{q}, \mathbf{w}) =
        \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i}
        + \rho\sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{w_i}.

        problem (Problem): the problem to which the scalarization function should be added.
        symbol (str): the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.
        reference_point (dict[str, float]): a reference point with as many components as there are objectives.
        weights (dict[str, float]): the weights to be used in the scalarization function. must be positive.
        reference_point_aug (dict[str, float], optional): a dict with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components for the augmentation term, i.e.,
            aspiration levels. Defeults to None.
        weights_aug (dict[str, float], optional): the weights to be used in the scalarization function's
            augmentation term. Must be positive. Defaults to None.
        rho (float, optional): the weight factor used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.

        ScalarizationError: If either the reference point or the weights given are missing any of the objective
        ScalarizationError: If any of the ideal or nadir point values are undefined (None).

        tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added,
            and the symbol of the added scalarization function.
    # check reference point
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
        msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing a value for one or more objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check augmentation term reference point
    if reference_point_aug is not None and not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point_aug):
        msg = (
            f"The given reference point for the augmentation term {reference_point_aug} "
            "does not have a component defined for all the objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check the weight vector
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, weights):
        msg = f"The given weight vector {weights} is missing a value for one or more objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check the weight vector for the augmentation term
    if weights_aug is not None and not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, weights_aug):
        msg = f"The given weight vector {weights_aug} is missing a value for one or more objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # get the corrected reference point
    corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point)
    if reference_point_aug is not None:
        corrected_rp_aug = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point_aug)

    # check if minimizing or maximizing and adjust ideal and nadir values correspondingly
    ideal_point, nadir_point = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)

    # Build the max term
    max_operands = [
        (f"({obj.symbol}_min - {corrected_rp[obj.symbol]}) / ({weights[obj.symbol]})") for obj in problem.objectives
    max_term = f"{Op.MAX}({', '.join(max_operands)})"

    # Build the augmentation term
    if reference_point_aug is None and weights_aug is None:
        # no reference point in augmentation term
        # same weights for both terms
        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({obj.symbol}_min / {weights[obj.symbol]})" for obj in problem.objectives])
    elif reference_point_aug is None and weights_aug is not None:
        # different weights provided for augmentation term
        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({obj.symbol}_min / {weights_aug[obj.symbol]})" for obj in problem.objectives])
    elif reference_point_aug is not None and weights_aug is None:
        # reference point in augmentation term
        aug_expr = " + ".join(
                f"(({obj.symbol}_min - {corrected_rp_aug[obj.symbol]}) / {weights[obj.symbol]})"
                for obj in problem.objectives
        aug_expr = " + ".join(
                f"(({obj.symbol}_min - {corrected_rp_aug[obj.symbol]}) / {weights_aug[obj.symbol]})"
                for obj in problem.objectives

    # Collect the terms
    sf = f"{max_term} + {rho} * ({aug_expr})"

    # Add the function to the problem
    scalarization_function = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="Generic achievement scalarizing function",
    return problem.add_scalarization(scalarization_function), symbol


add_asf_nondiff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_point: dict[str, float], delta: float = 1e-06, rho: float = 1e-06, *, reference_in_aug=False) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Add the achievement scalarizing function for a problem with the reference point.

This is the non-differentiable variant of the achievement scalarizing function, which means the resulting scalarization function is non-differentiable. Requires that the ideal and nadir point have been defined for the problem.

The scalarization is defined as follows:

\[\begin{equation} \mathcal{S}_\text{ASF}(F(\mathbf{x}); \mathbf{q}, \mathbf{z}^\star, \mathbf{z}^\text{nad}) = \underset{i=1,\ldots,k}{\text{max}} \left[ \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{z^\text{nad}_i - (z_i^\star - \delta)} \right] + \rho\sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{z_i^\text{nad} - (z_i^\star - \delta)}, \end{equation}\]

where \(\mathbf{q} = [q_1,\dots,q_k]\) is a reference point, \(\mathbf{z^\star} = [z_1^\star,\dots,z_k^\star]\) is the ideal point, \(\mathbf{z}^\text{nad} = [z_1^\text{nad},\dots,z_k^\text{nad}]\) is the nadir point, \(k\) is the number of objective functions, and \(\delta\) and \(\rho\) are small scalar values. The summation term in the scalarization is known as the augmentation term. If the reference point is chosen to be used in the augmentation term (reference_in_aug=True), then the reference point components are subtracted from the objective function values in the nominator of the augmentation term. That is:

\[\begin{equation} \mathcal{S}_\text{ASF}(F(\mathbf{x}); \mathbf{q}, \mathbf{z}^\star, \mathbf{z}^\text{nad}) = \underset{i=1,\ldots,k}{\text{max}} \left[ \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{z^\text{nad}_i - (z_i^\star - \delta)} \right] + \rho\sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{z_i^\text{nad} - (z_i^\star - \delta)}. \end{equation}\]


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to which the scalarization function should be added.

symbol str

the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.

reference_point dict[str, float]

a reference point as an objective dict.

delta float

the scalar value used to define the utopian point (ideal - delta). Defaults to 0.000001.

rho float

the weight factor used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.

reference_in_aug bool

whether the reference point should be used in the augmentation term as well. Defaults to False.



Type Description

there are missing elements in the reference point, or if any of the ideal or nadir point values are undefined (None).


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added, and the symbol of the added scalarization function.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_asf_nondiff(  # noqa: PLR0913
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_point: dict[str, float],
    delta: float = 0.000001,
    rho: float = 0.000001,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Add the achievement scalarizing function for a problem with the reference point.

    This is the non-differentiable variant of the achievement scalarizing function, which
    means the resulting scalarization function is non-differentiable.
    Requires that the ideal and nadir point have been defined for the problem.

    The scalarization is defined as follows:

        \mathcal{S}_\text{ASF}(F(\mathbf{x}); \mathbf{q}, \mathbf{z}^\star, \mathbf{z}^\text{nad}) =
        \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{z^\text{nad}_i - (z_i^\star - \delta)}
        + \rho\sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{z_i^\text{nad} - (z_i^\star - \delta)},

    where $\mathbf{q} = [q_1,\dots,q_k]$ is a reference point, $\mathbf{z^\star} = [z_1^\star,\dots,z_k^\star]$
    is the ideal point, $\mathbf{z}^\text{nad} = [z_1^\text{nad},\dots,z_k^\text{nad}]$ is the nadir point, $k$
    is the number of objective functions, and $\delta$ and $\rho$ are small scalar values. The summation term
    in the scalarization is known as the _augmentation term_. If the reference point is chosen to
    be used in the augmentation term (`reference_in_aug=True`), then
    the reference point components are subtracted from the objective function values in the nominator
    of the augmentation term. That is:

        \mathcal{S}_\text{ASF}(F(\mathbf{x}); \mathbf{q}, \mathbf{z}^\star, \mathbf{z}^\text{nad}) =
        \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{z^\text{nad}_i - (z_i^\star - \delta)}
        + \rho\sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - q_i}{z_i^\text{nad} - (z_i^\star - \delta)}.

        problem (Problem): the problem to which the scalarization function should be added.
        symbol (str): the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.
        reference_point (dict[str, float]): a reference point as an objective dict.
        delta (float, optional): the scalar value used to define the utopian point (ideal - delta).
            Defaults to 0.000001.
        rho (float, optional): the weight factor used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.
        reference_in_aug (bool): whether the reference point should be used in
            the augmentation term as well. Defaults to False.

        ScalarizationError: there are missing elements in the reference point, or if any of the ideal or nadir
            point values are undefined (None).

        tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added,
            and the symbol of the added scalarization function.
    # check that the reference point has all the objective components
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
        msg = f"The given reference point {reference_point} does not have a component defined for all the objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check if minimizing or maximizing and adjust ideal and nadir values correspondingly
    ideal_point, nadir_point = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)

    if any(value is None for value in ideal_point.values()) or any(value is None for value in nadir_point.values()):
        msg = f"There are undefined values in either the ideal ({ideal_point}) or the nadir point ({nadir_point})."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # Build the max term
    max_operands = [
            f"({obj.symbol}_min - {reference_point[obj.symbol]}{" * -1" if obj.maximize else ''}) "
            f"/ ({nadir_point[obj.symbol]} - ({ideal_point[obj.symbol]} - {delta}))"
        for obj in problem.objectives
    max_term = f"{Op.MAX}({', '.join(max_operands)})"

    # Build the augmentation term
    if not reference_in_aug:
        aug_operands = [
            f"{obj.symbol}_min / ({nadir_point[obj.symbol]} - ({ideal_point[obj.symbol]} - {delta}))"
            for obj in problem.objectives
        aug_operands = [
                f"({obj.symbol}_min - {reference_point[obj.symbol]}{" * -1" if obj.maximize else 1}) "
                f"/ ({nadir_point[obj.symbol]} - ({ideal_point[obj.symbol]} - {delta}))"
            for obj in problem.objectives

    aug_term = " + ".join(aug_operands)

    asf_function = f"{max_term} + {rho} * ({aug_term})"

    # Add the function to the problem
    scalarization_function = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="Achievement scalarizing function",
    return problem.add_scalarization(scalarization_function), symbol


add_epsilon_constraints(problem: Problem, symbol: str, constraint_symbols: dict[str, str], objective_symbol: str, epsilons: dict[str, float]) -> tuple[Problem, str, list[str]]

Creates expressions for an epsilon constraints scalarization and constraints.

It is assumed that epsilon have been given in a format where each objective is to be minimized.

The scalarization is defined as follows:

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} & \operatorname{min}_{\mathbf{x} \in S} & & f_t(\mathbf{x}) \\ & \text{s.t.} & & f_j(\mathbf{x}) \leq \epsilon_j \text{ for all } j = 1, \ldots ,k, \; j \neq t, \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]

where \(\epsilon_j\) are the epsilon bounds used in the epsilon constraints \(f_j(\mathbf{x}) \leq \epsilon_j\), and \(k\) is the number of objective functions.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to scalarize.

symbol str

the symbol of the added objective function to be optimized.

constraint_symbols dict[str, str]

a dict with the symbols to be used with the added constraints. The key indicates the name of the objective function the constraint is related to, and the value is the symbol to be used when defining the constraint.

objective_symbol str

the objective used as the objective in the epsilon constraint scalarization.

epsilons dict[str, float]

the epsilon constraint values in a dict with each key being an objective's symbol. The corresponding value is then used as the epsilon value for the respective objective function.



Type Description

objective_symbol not found in problem definition.


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str, list[str]]

tuple[Problem, str, list[str]]: A triple with the first element being a copy of the problem with the added epsilon constraints. The second element is the symbol of the objective to be optimized. The last element is a list with the symbols of the added constraints to the problem.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_epsilon_constraints(
    problem: Problem, symbol: str, constraint_symbols: dict[str, str], objective_symbol: str, epsilons: dict[str, float]
) -> tuple[Problem, str, list[str]]:
    r"""Creates expressions for an epsilon constraints scalarization and constraints.

    It is assumed that epsilon have been given in a format where each objective is to be minimized.

    The scalarization is defined as follows:

    & \operatorname{min}_{\mathbf{x} \in S}
    & & f_t(\mathbf{x}) \\
    & \text{s.t.}
    & & f_j(\mathbf{x}) \leq \epsilon_j \text{ for all } j = 1, \ldots ,k, \; j \neq t,

    where $\epsilon_j$ are the epsilon bounds used in the epsilon constraints $f_j(\mathbf{x}) \leq \epsilon_j$,
    and $k$ is the number of objective functions.

        problem (Problem): the problem to scalarize.
        symbol (str): the symbol of the added objective function to be optimized.
        constraint_symbols (dict[str, str]): a dict with the symbols to be used with the added
            constraints. The key indicates the name of the objective function the constraint
            is related to, and the value is the symbol to be used when defining the constraint.
        objective_symbol (str): the objective used as the objective in the epsilon constraint scalarization.
        epsilons (dict[str, float]): the epsilon constraint values in a dict
            with each key being an objective's symbol. The corresponding value
            is then used as the epsilon value for the respective objective function.

        ScalarizationError: `objective_symbol` not found in problem definition.

        tuple[Problem, str, list[str]]: A triple with the first element being a copy of the
            problem with the added epsilon constraints. The second element is the symbol of
            the objective to be optimized. The last element is a list with the symbols
            of the added constraints to the problem.
    if objective_symbol not in (correct_symbols := [objective.symbol for objective in problem.objectives]):
        msg = f"The given objective symbol {objective_symbol} should be one of {correct_symbols}."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    _problem, _ = add_objective_as_scalarization(problem, symbol, objective_symbol)

    # the epsilons must be given such that each objective function is to be minimized
    constraints = [
            name=f"Epsilon for {obj.symbol}",
            func=["Add", f"{obj.symbol}_min", ["Negate", epsilons[obj.symbol]]],
        for obj in problem.objectives
        if obj.symbol != objective_symbol

    _problem = _problem.add_constraints(constraints)

    return _problem, symbol, [con.symbol for con in constraints]


add_group_asf(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_points: list[dict[str, float]], delta: float = 1e-06, rho: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Add the achievement scalarizing function for multiple decision makers.

The scalarization function is defined as follows:

\[\begin{align} &\mbox{minimize} &&\max_{i,d} [w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-\overline{z}_{id})] + \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\ &\mbox{subject to} &&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X}, \end{align}\]

where \(w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}\).


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to which the scalarization function should be added.

symbol str

the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.

reference_points list[dict[str, float]]

a list of reference points as objective dicts.

delta float

a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.

rho float

the weight factor used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description

there are missing elements in any reference point.


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added, and the symbol of the added scalarization function.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_group_asf(
    problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_points: list[dict[str, float]], delta: float = 1e-6, rho: float = 1e-6
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Add the achievement scalarizing function for multiple decision makers.

    The scalarization function is defined as follows:

        &\mbox{minimize} &&\max_{i,d} [w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-\overline{z}_{id})] +
        \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\
        &\mbox{subject to} &&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X},

    where $w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}$.

        problem (Problem): the problem to which the scalarization function should be added.
        symbol (str): the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.
        reference_points (list[dict[str, float]]): a list of reference points as objective dicts.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.
        rho (float, optional): the weight factor used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 1e-6.

        ScalarizationError: there are missing elements in any reference point.

        tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added,
            and the symbol of the added scalarization function.
    # check reference points
    for reference_point in reference_points:
        if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
            msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing a value for one or more objectives."
            raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    ideal, nadir = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)

    # calculate the weights
    weights = {obj.symbol: 1 / (nadir[obj.symbol] - (ideal[obj.symbol] - delta)) for obj in problem.objectives}

    # form the max and augmentation terms
    max_terms = []
    aug_exprs = []
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_points[i])
        for obj in problem.objectives:
            max_terms.append(f"({weights[obj.symbol]}) * ({obj.symbol}_min - {corrected_rp[obj.symbol]})")

        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({weights[obj.symbol]} * {obj.symbol}_min)" for obj in problem.objectives])
    max_terms = ", ".join(max_terms)
    aug_exprs = " + ".join(aug_exprs)

    func = f"{Op.MAX}({max_terms}) + {rho} * ({aug_exprs})"

    scalarization_function = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="Achievement scalarizing function for multiple decision makers",
    return problem.add_scalarization(scalarization_function), symbol


add_group_asf_diff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_points: list[dict[str, float]], delta: float = 1e-06, rho: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Add the differentiable variant of the achievement scalarizing function for multiple decision makers.

The scalarization function is defined as follows:

\[\begin{align} &\mbox{minimize} &&\alpha + \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\ &\mbox{subject to} && w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-\overline{z}_{id}) - \alpha \leq 0,\\ &&&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X}, \end{align}\]

where \(w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}\).


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to which the scalarization function should be added.

symbol str

the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.

reference_points list[dict[str, float]]

a list of reference points as objective dicts.

delta float

a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.

rho float

the weight factor used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description

there are missing elements in any reference point.


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added, and the symbol of the added scalarization function.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_group_asf_diff(
    problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_points: list[dict[str, float]], delta: float = 1e-6, rho: float = 1e-6
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Add the differentiable variant of the achievement scalarizing function for multiple decision makers.

    The scalarization function is defined as follows:

        &\mbox{minimize} &&\alpha +
        \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\
        &\mbox{subject to} && w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-\overline{z}_{id}) - \alpha \leq 0,\\
        &&&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X},

    where $w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}$.

        problem (Problem): the problem to which the scalarization function should be added.
        symbol (str): the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.
        reference_points (list[dict[str, float]]): a list of reference points as objective dicts.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.
        rho (float, optional): the weight factor used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 1e-6.

        ScalarizationError: there are missing elements in any reference point.

        tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added,
            and the symbol of the added scalarization function.
    # check reference points
    for reference_point in reference_points:
        if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
            msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing a value for one or more objectives."
            raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    ideal, nadir = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)

    # define the auxiliary variable
    alpha = Variable(

    # calculate the weights
    weights = {obj.symbol: 1 / (nadir[obj.symbol] - (ideal[obj.symbol] - delta)) for obj in problem.objectives}

    # form the constaint and augmentation expressions
    # constraint expressions are formed into a list of lists
    con_terms = []
    aug_exprs = []
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_points[i])
        rp = {}
        for obj in problem.objectives:
            rp[obj.symbol] = f"(({weights[obj.symbol]}) * ({obj.symbol}_min - {corrected_rp[obj.symbol]})) - _alpha"
        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({weights[obj.symbol]} * {obj.symbol}_min)" for obj in problem.objectives])
    aug_exprs = " + ".join(aug_exprs)

    func = f"_alpha + {rho} * ({aug_exprs})"

    scalarization_function = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="Differentiable achievement scalarizing function for multiple decision makers",

    constraints = []
    # loop to create a constraint for every objective of every reference point given
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        for obj in problem.objectives:
            # since we are subtracting a constant value, the linearity, convexity,
            # and differentiability of the objective function, and hence the
            # constraint, should not change.
                    name=f"Constraint for {obj.symbol}",
    _problem = problem.add_variables([alpha])
    _problem = _problem.add_scalarization(scalarization_function)
    return _problem.add_constraints(constraints), symbol


add_group_guess_sf(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_points: list[dict[str, float]], rho: float = 1e-06, delta: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Adds the non-differentiable variant of the multiple decision maker variant of the GUESS scalarizing function.

The scalarization function is defined as follows:

\[\begin{align} &\mbox{minimize} &&\max_{i,d} [w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{nad}_{id})] + \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\ &\mbox{subject to} &&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X}, \end{align}\]

where \(w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - \overline{z}_{id}}\).


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem the scalarization is added to.

symbol str

the symbol given to the added scalarization.

reference_points list[dict[str, float]]

a list of dicts with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e., aspiration levels.

rho float

a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.

delta float

a small scalar to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description

there are missing elements in any reference point.


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_group_guess_sf(
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_points: list[dict[str, float]],
    rho: float = 1e-6,
    delta: float = 1e-6,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Adds the non-differentiable variant of the multiple decision maker variant of the GUESS scalarizing function.

    The scalarization function is defined as follows:

        &\mbox{minimize} &&\max_{i,d} [w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{nad}_{id})] +
        \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\
        &\mbox{subject to} &&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X},

    where $w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - \overline{z}_{id}}$.

        problem (Problem): the problem the scalarization is added to.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the added scalarization.
        reference_points (list[dict[str, float]]): a list of dicts with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e.,
            aspiration levels.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective
            function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.

        ScalarizationError: there are missing elements in any reference point.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.
    # check reference points
    for reference_point in reference_points:
        if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
            msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing value for one or more objectives."
            raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    _, nadir = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)

    # calculate the weights
    weights = []
    for reference_point in reference_points:
        corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point)
        weights.append({obj.symbol: 1 / ((nadir[obj.symbol] + delta) - (corrected_rp[obj.symbol])) for obj in problem.objectives})

    # form the max term
    max_terms = []
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_points[i])
        for obj in problem.objectives:
            max_terms.append(f"{weights[i][obj.symbol]} * ({obj.symbol}_min - {nadir[obj.symbol]})")
    max_terms = ", ".join(max_terms)

    # form the augmentation term
    aug_exprs = []
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({weights[i][obj.symbol]} * {obj.symbol}_min)" for obj in problem.objectives])
    aug_exprs = " + ".join(aug_exprs)

    func = f"{Op.MAX}({max_terms}) + {rho}*({aug_exprs})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="GUESS scalarization objective function for multiple decision makers",
    return problem.add_scalarization(scalarization), symbol


add_group_guess_sf_diff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_points: list[dict[str, float]], rho: float = 1e-06, delta: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Adds the differentiable variant of the multiple decision maker variant of the GUESS scalarizing function.

The scalarization function is defined as follows:

\[\begin{align} &\mbox{minimize} &&\alpha + \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\ &\mbox{subject to} && w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{nad}_{id}) - \alpha \leq 0,\\ &&&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X}, \end{align}\]

where \(w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - \overline{z}_{id}}\).


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem the scalarization is added to.

symbol str

the symbol given to the added scalarization.

reference_points list[dict[str, float]]

a list of dicts with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e., aspiration levels.

rho float

a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.

delta float

a small scalar to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description

there are missing elements in any reference point.


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_group_guess_sf_diff(
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_points: list[dict[str, float]],
    rho: float = 1e-6,
    delta: float = 1e-6,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Adds the differentiable variant of the multiple decision maker variant of the GUESS scalarizing function.

    The scalarization function is defined as follows:

        &\mbox{minimize} &&\alpha +
        \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\
        &\mbox{subject to} && w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{nad}_{id}) - \alpha \leq 0,\\
        &&&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X},

    where $w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - \overline{z}_{id}}$.

        problem (Problem): the problem the scalarization is added to.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the added scalarization.
        reference_points (list[dict[str, float]]): a list of dicts with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e.,
            aspiration levels.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective
            function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.

        ScalarizationError: there are missing elements in any reference point.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.
    # check reference points
    for reference_point in reference_points:
        if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
            msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing value for one or more objectives."
            raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    ideal, nadir = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)

    # define the auxiliary variable
    alpha = Variable(

    # calculate the weights
    weights = []
    for reference_point in reference_points:
        corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point)
        weights.append({obj.symbol: 1 / ((nadir[obj.symbol] + delta) - (corrected_rp[obj.symbol])) for obj in problem.objectives})

    # form the max term
    con_terms = []
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_points[i])
        rp = {}
        for obj in problem.objectives:
            rp[obj.symbol] = f"{weights[i][obj.symbol]} * ({obj.symbol}_min - {nadir[obj.symbol]}) - _alpha"

    # form the augmentation term
    aug_exprs = []
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({weights[i][obj.symbol]} * {obj.symbol}_min)" for obj in problem.objectives])
    aug_exprs = " + ".join(aug_exprs)

    constraints = []
    # loop to create a constraint for every objective of every reference point given
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        for obj in problem.objectives:
            # since we are subtracting a constant value, the linearity, convexity,
            # and differentiability of the objective function, and hence the
            # constraint, should not change.
                    name=f"Constraint for {obj.symbol}",

    func = f"_alpha + {rho}*({aug_exprs})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="Differentiable GUESS scalarization objective function for multiple decision makers",
    _problem = problem.add_variables([alpha])
    _problem = _problem.add_scalarization(scalarization)
    return _problem.add_constraints(constraints), symbol


add_group_nimbus_sf(problem: Problem, symbol: str, classifications_list: list[dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]]], current_objective_vector: dict[str, float], delta: float = 1e-06, rho: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Implements the multiple decision maker variant of the NIMBUS scalarization function.

The scalarization function is defined as follows:

\[\begin{align} &\mbox{minimize} &&\max_{i\in I^<,j\in I^\leq,d} [w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{ideal}_{id}), w_{jd}(f_{jd}(\mathbf{x})-\hat{z}_{jd})] + \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\ &\mbox{subject to} &&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X}, \end{align}\]

where \(w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}\), and \(w_{jd} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{jd} - z^{uto}_{jd}}\).

The \(I\)-sets are related to the classifications given to each objective function value in respect to the current objective vector (e.g., by a decision maker). They are as follows:

  • \(I^{<}\): values that should improve,
  • \(I^{\leq}\): values that should improve until a given aspiration level \(\hat{z}_i\),
  • \(I^{=}\): values that are fine as they are,
  • \(I^{\geq}\): values that can be impaired until some reservation level \(\varepsilon_i\), and
  • \(I^{\diamond}\): values that are allowed to change freely (not present explicitly in this scalarization function).

The aspiration levels and the reservation levels are supplied for each classification, when relevant, in the argument classifications as follows:

classifications = {
    "f_1": ("<", None),
    "f_2": ("<=", 42.1),
    "f_3": (">=", 22.2),
    "f_4": ("0", None)

Here, we have assumed four objective functions. The key of the dict is a function's symbol, and the tuple consists of a pair where the left element is the classification (self explanatory, '0' is for objective values that may change freely), the right element is either None or an aspiration or a reservation level depending on the classification.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to be scalarized.

symbol str

the symbol given to the scalarization function, i.e., target of the optimization.

classifications_list list[dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]]]

a list of dicts, where the key is a symbol of an objective function, and the value is a tuple with a classification and an aspiration or a reservation level, or None, depending on the classification. See above for an explanation.

current_objective_vector dict[str, float]

the current objective vector that corresponds to a Pareto optimal solution. The classifications are assumed to been given in respect to this vector.

delta float

a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 0.000001.

rho float

a small scalar used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.



Type Description

any of the given classifications do not define a classification for all the objective functions or any of the given classifications do not allow at least one objective function value to improve and one to worsen.


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_group_nimbus_sf(  # noqa: PLR0913
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    classifications_list: list[dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]]],
    current_objective_vector: dict[str, float],
    delta: float = 0.000001,
    rho: float = 0.000001,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Implements the multiple decision maker variant of the NIMBUS scalarization function.

    The scalarization function is defined as follows:

        &\mbox{minimize} &&\max_{i\in I^<,j\in I^\leq,d} [w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{ideal}_{id}),
        w_{jd}(f_{jd}(\mathbf{x})-\hat{z}_{jd})] +
        \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\
        &\mbox{subject to} &&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X},

    where $w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}$, and $w_{jd} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{jd} - z^{uto}_{jd}}$.

    The $I$-sets are related to the classifications given to each objective function value
    in respect to  the current objective vector (e.g., by a decision maker). They
    are as follows:

    - $I^{<}$: values that should improve,
    - $I^{\leq}$: values that should improve until a given aspiration level $\hat{z}_i$,
    - $I^{=}$: values that are fine as they are,
    - $I^{\geq}$: values that can be impaired until some reservation level $\varepsilon_i$, and
    - $I^{\diamond}$: values that are allowed to change freely (not present explicitly in this scalarization function).

    The aspiration levels and the reservation levels are supplied for each classification, when relevant, in
    the argument `classifications` as follows:

    classifications = {
        "f_1": ("<", None),
        "f_2": ("<=", 42.1),
        "f_3": (">=", 22.2),
        "f_4": ("0", None)

    Here, we have assumed four objective functions. The key of the dict is a function's symbol, and the tuple
    consists of a pair where the left element is the classification (self explanatory, '0' is for objective values
    that may change freely), the right element is either `None` or an aspiration or a reservation level
    depending on the classification.

        problem (Problem): the problem to be scalarized.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the scalarization function, i.e., target of the optimization.
        classifications_list (list[dict[str, tuple[str, float  |  None]]]): a list of dicts, where the key is a symbol
            of an objective function, and the value is a tuple with a classification and an aspiration
            or a reservation level, or `None`, depending on the classification. See above for an
        current_objective_vector (dict[str, float]): the current objective vector that corresponds to
            a Pareto optimal solution. The classifications are assumed to been given in respect to
            this vector.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 0.000001.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.

        ScalarizationError: any of the given classifications do not define a classification
            for all the objective functions or any of the given classifications do not allow at
            least one objective function value to improve and one to worsen.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.
    # check that classifications have been provided for all objective functions
    for classifications in classifications_list:
        if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, classifications):
            msg = (
                f"The given classifications {classifications} do not define "
                "a classification for all the objective functions."
            raise ScalarizationError(msg)

        # check that at least one objective function is allowed to be improved and one is
        # allowed to worsen
        if not any(classifications[obj.symbol][0] in ["<", "<="] for obj in problem.objectives) or not any(
            classifications[obj.symbol][0] in [">=", "0"] for obj in problem.objectives
            msg = (
                f"The given classifications {classifications} should allow at least one objective function value "
                "to improve and one to worsen."
            raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check ideal and nadir exist
    ideal, nadir = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)
    corrected_current_point = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, current_objective_vector)

    # calculate the weights
    weights = {obj.symbol: 1 / (nadir[obj.symbol] - (ideal[obj.symbol] - delta)) for obj in problem.objectives}

    # max term and constraints
    max_args = []
    constraints = []

    for i in range(len(classifications_list)):
        classifications = classifications_list[i]
        for obj in problem.objectives:
            _symbol = obj.symbol
            match classifications[_symbol]:
                case ("<", _):
                    max_expr = f"{weights[_symbol]} * ({_symbol}_min - {ideal[_symbol]})"

                    con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {corrected_current_point[_symbol]}"
                            name=f"improvement constraint for {_symbol}",
                case ("<=", aspiration):
                    # if obj is to be maximized, then the current aspiration value needs to be multiplied by -1
                    max_expr = (
                        f"{weights[_symbol]} * ({_symbol}_min - {aspiration * -1 if obj.maximize else aspiration})"

                    con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {corrected_current_point[_symbol]}"
                            name=f"improvement until constraint for {_symbol}",
                case ("=", _):
                    con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {corrected_current_point[_symbol]}"
                            name=f"Stay at least as good constraint for {_symbol}",
                case (">=", reservation):
                    # if obj is to be maximized, then the current reservation value needs to be multiplied by -1
                    con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {-1 * reservation if obj.maximize else reservation}"
                            name=f"Worsen until constraint for {_symbol}",
                case ("0", _):
                    # not relevant for this scalarization
                case (c, _):
                    msg = (
                        f"Warning! The classification {c} was supplied, but it is not supported."
                        "Must be one of ['<', '<=', '0', '=', '>=']"
    max_expr = f"Max({','.join(max_args)})"

    # form the augmentation term
    aug_exprs = []
    for _ in range(len(classifications_list)):
        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({weights[obj.symbol]} * {obj.symbol}_min)" for obj in problem.objectives])
    aug_exprs = " + ".join(aug_exprs)

    func = f"{max_expr} + {rho} * ({aug_exprs})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="NIMBUS scalarization objective function for multiple decision makers",

    _problem = problem.add_scalarization(scalarization)
    return _problem.add_constraints(constraints), symbol


add_group_nimbus_sf_diff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, classifications_list: list[dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]]], current_objective_vector: dict[str, float], delta: float = 1e-06, rho: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Implements the differentiable variant of the multiple decision maker of the group NIMBUS scalarization function.

The scalarization function is defined as follows:

\[\begin{align} \mbox{minimize} \quad &\alpha + \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x})\\ \mbox{subject to} \quad & w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{ideal}_{id}) - \alpha \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^<,\\ & w_{jd}(f_{jd}(\mathbf{x})-\hat{z}_{jd}) - \alpha \leq 0 \quad & \forall j \in I^\leq ,\\ & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - f_i(\mathbf{x_c}) \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^< \cup I^\leq \cup I^= ,\\ & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - \epsilon_i \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^\geq ,\\ & \mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X}, \end{align}\]

where \(w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}\), and \(w_{jd} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{jd} - z^{uto}_{jd}}\).

The \(I\)-sets are related to the classifications given to each objective function value in respect to the current objective vector (e.g., by a decision maker). They are as follows:

  • \(I^{<}\): values that should improve,
  • \(I^{\leq}\): values that should improve until a given aspiration level \(\hat{z}_i\),
  • \(I^{=}\): values that are fine as they are,
  • \(I^{\geq}\): values that can be impaired until some reservation level \(\varepsilon_i\), and
  • \(I^{\diamond}\): values that are allowed to change freely (not present explicitly in this scalarization function).

The aspiration levels and the reservation levels are supplied for each classification, when relevant, in the argument classifications as follows:

classifications = {
    "f_1": ("<", None),
    "f_2": ("<=", 42.1),
    "f_3": (">=", 22.2),
    "f_4": ("0", None)

Here, we have assumed four objective functions. The key of the dict is a function's symbol, and the tuple consists of a pair where the left element is the classification (self explanatory, '0' is for objective values that may change freely), the right element is either None or an aspiration or a reservation level depending on the classification.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to be scalarized.

symbol str

the symbol given to the scalarization function, i.e., target of the optimization.

classifications_list list[dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]]]

a list of dicts, where the key is a symbol of an objective function, and the value is a tuple with a classification and an aspiration or a reservation level, or None, depending on the classification. See above for an explanation.

current_objective_vector dict[str, float]

the current objective vector that corresponds to a Pareto optimal solution. The classifications are assumed to been given in respect to this vector.

delta float

a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 0.000001.

rho float

a small scalar used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.



Type Description

any of the given classifications do not define a classification for all the objective functions or any of the given classifications do not allow at least one objective function value to improve and one to worsen.


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_group_nimbus_sf_diff(  # noqa: PLR0913
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    classifications_list: list[dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]]],
    current_objective_vector: dict[str, float],
    delta: float = 0.000001,
    rho: float = 0.000001,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Implements the differentiable variant of the multiple decision maker of the group NIMBUS scalarization function.

    The scalarization function is defined as follows:

        \mbox{minimize} \quad
         &\alpha +
        \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x})\\
        \mbox{subject to} \quad & w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{ideal}_{id}) - \alpha \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^<,\\
        & w_{jd}(f_{jd}(\mathbf{x})-\hat{z}_{jd}) - \alpha \leq 0 \quad & \forall j \in I^\leq ,\\
        & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - f_i(\mathbf{x_c}) \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^< \cup I^\leq \cup I^= ,\\
        & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - \epsilon_i \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^\geq ,\\
        & \mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X},

    where $w_{id} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}$, and $w_{jd} = \frac{1}{z^{nad}_{jd} - z^{uto}_{jd}}$.

    The $I$-sets are related to the classifications given to each objective function value
    in respect to  the current objective vector (e.g., by a decision maker). They
    are as follows:

    - $I^{<}$: values that should improve,
    - $I^{\leq}$: values that should improve until a given aspiration level $\hat{z}_i$,
    - $I^{=}$: values that are fine as they are,
    - $I^{\geq}$: values that can be impaired until some reservation level $\varepsilon_i$, and
    - $I^{\diamond}$: values that are allowed to change freely (not present explicitly in this scalarization function).

    The aspiration levels and the reservation levels are supplied for each classification, when relevant, in
    the argument `classifications` as follows:

    classifications = {
        "f_1": ("<", None),
        "f_2": ("<=", 42.1),
        "f_3": (">=", 22.2),
        "f_4": ("0", None)

    Here, we have assumed four objective functions. The key of the dict is a function's symbol, and the tuple
    consists of a pair where the left element is the classification (self explanatory, '0' is for objective values
    that may change freely), the right element is either `None` or an aspiration or a reservation level
    depending on the classification.

        problem (Problem): the problem to be scalarized.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the scalarization function, i.e., target of the optimization.
        classifications_list (list[dict[str, tuple[str, float  |  None]]]): a list of dicts, where the key is a symbol
            of an objective function, and the value is a tuple with a classification and an aspiration
            or a reservation level, or `None`, depending on the classification. See above for an
        current_objective_vector (dict[str, float]): the current objective vector that corresponds to
            a Pareto optimal solution. The classifications are assumed to been given in respect to
            this vector.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 0.000001.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.

        ScalarizationError: any of the given classifications do not define a classification
            for all the objective functions or any of the given classifications do not allow at
            least one objective function value to improve and one to worsen.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.
    # check that classifications have been provided for all objective functions
    for classifications in classifications_list:
        if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, classifications):
            msg = (
                f"The given classifications {classifications} do not define "
                "a classification for all the objective functions."
            raise ScalarizationError(msg)

        # check that at least one objective function is allowed to be improved and one is
        # allowed to worsen
        if not any(classifications[obj.symbol][0] in ["<", "<="] for obj in problem.objectives) or not any(
            classifications[obj.symbol][0] in [">=", "0"] for obj in problem.objectives
            msg = (
                f"The given classifications {classifications} should allow at least one objective function value "
                "to improve and one to worsen."
            raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check ideal and nadir exist
    ideal, nadir = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)
    corrected_current_point = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, current_objective_vector)

    # define the auxiliary variable
    alpha = Variable(

    # calculate the weights
    weights = {obj.symbol: 1 / (nadir[obj.symbol] - (ideal[obj.symbol] - delta)) for obj in problem.objectives}

    constraints = []

    for i in range(len(classifications_list)):
        classifications = classifications_list[i]
        for obj in problem.objectives:
            _symbol = obj.symbol
            match classifications[_symbol]:
                case ("<", _):
                    max_expr = f"{weights[_symbol]} * ({_symbol}_min - {ideal[_symbol]}) - _alpha"
                            name=f"Max term linearization for {_symbol}",
                    con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {corrected_current_point[_symbol]}"
                            name=f"improvement constraint for {_symbol}",
                case ("<=", aspiration):
                    # if obj is to be maximized, then the current aspiration value needs to be multiplied by -1
                    max_expr = (
                        f"{weights[_symbol]} * ({_symbol}_min - {aspiration * -1 if obj.maximize else aspiration}) "
                        "- _alpha"
                            name=f"Max term linearization for {_symbol}",
                    con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {corrected_current_point[_symbol]}"
                            name=f"improvement until constraint for {_symbol}",
                case ("=", _):
                    con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {corrected_current_point[_symbol]}"
                            name=f"Stay at least as good constraint for {_symbol}",
                case (">=", reservation):
                    # if obj is to be maximized, then the current reservation value needs to be multiplied by -1
                    con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {-1 * reservation if obj.maximize else reservation}"
                            name=f"Worsen until constraint for {_symbol}",
                case ("0", _):
                    # not relevant for this scalarization
                case (c, _):
                    msg = (
                        f"Warning! The classification {c} was supplied, but it is not supported."
                        "Must be one of ['<', '<=', '0', '=', '>=']"

    # form the augmentation term
    aug_exprs = []
    for _ in range(len(classifications_list)):
        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({weights[obj.symbol]} * {obj.symbol}_min)" for obj in problem.objectives])
    aug_exprs = " + ".join(aug_exprs)

    func = f"_alpha + {rho} * ({aug_exprs})"
    scalarization_function = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="Differentiable NIMBUS scalarization objective function for multiple decision makers",
    _problem = problem.add_variables([alpha])
    _problem = _problem.add_scalarization(scalarization_function)
    return _problem.add_constraints(constraints), symbol


add_group_stom_sf(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_points: list[dict[str, float]], rho: float = 1e-06, delta: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Adds the multiple decision maker variant of the STOM scalarizing function.

The scalarization function is defined as follows:

\[\begin{align} &\mbox{minimize} &&\max_{i,d} [w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{uto}_{id})] + \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\ &\mbox{subject to} &&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X}, \end{align}\]

where \(w_{id} = \frac{1}{\overline{z}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}\).


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem the scalarization is added to.

symbol str

the symbol given to the added scalarization.

reference_points list[dict[str, float]]

a list of dicts with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e., aspiration levels.

rho float

a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.

delta float

a small scalar value to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description

there are missing elements in any reference point.


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_group_stom_sf(
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_points: list[dict[str, float]],
    rho: float = 1e-6,
    delta: float = 1e-6,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Adds the multiple decision maker variant of the STOM scalarizing function.

    The scalarization function is defined as follows:

        &\mbox{minimize} &&\max_{i,d} [w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{uto}_{id})] +
        \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\
        &\mbox{subject to} &&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X},

    where $w_{id} = \frac{1}{\overline{z}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}$.

        problem (Problem): the problem the scalarization is added to.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the added scalarization.
        reference_points (list[dict[str, float]]): a list of dicts with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e.,
            aspiration levels.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective
            function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar value to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.

        ScalarizationError: there are missing elements in any reference point.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.
    # check reference points
    for reference_point in reference_points:
        if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
            msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing value for one or more objectives."
            raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    ideal, _ = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)

    # calculate the weights
    weights = []
    for reference_point in reference_points:
        corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point)
            {obj.symbol: 1 / (corrected_rp[obj.symbol] - (ideal[obj.symbol] - delta)) for obj in problem.objectives}

    # form the max term
    max_terms = []
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        for obj in problem.objectives:
            max_terms.append(f"{weights[i][obj.symbol]} * ({obj.symbol}_min - {ideal[obj.symbol] - delta})")
    max_terms = ", ".join(max_terms)

    # form the augmentation term
    aug_exprs = []
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({weights[i][obj.symbol]} * {obj.symbol}_min)" for obj in problem.objectives])
    aug_exprs = " + ".join(aug_exprs)

    func = f"{Op.MAX}({max_terms}) + {rho}*({aug_exprs})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="STOM scalarization objective function for multiple decision makers",
    return problem.add_scalarization(scalarization), symbol


add_group_stom_sf_diff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_points: list[dict[str, float]], rho: float = 1e-06, delta: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Adds the differentiable variant of the multiple decision maker variant of the STOM scalarizing function.

The scalarization function is defined as follows:

\[\begin{align} &\mbox{minimize} && \alpha + \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\ &\mbox{subject to} && w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{uto}_{id}) - \alpha \leq 0,\\ &&&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X}, \end{align}\]

where \(w_{id} = \frac{1}{\overline{z}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}\).


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem the scalarization is added to.

symbol str

the symbol given to the added scalarization.

reference_points list[dict[str, float]]

a list of dicts with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e., aspiration levels.

rho float

a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.

delta float

a small scalar value to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description

there are missing elements in any reference point.


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_group_stom_sf_diff(
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_points: list[dict[str, float]],
    rho: float = 1e-6,
    delta: float = 1e-6,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Adds the differentiable variant of the multiple decision maker variant of the STOM scalarizing function.

    The scalarization function is defined as follows:

        &\mbox{minimize} && \alpha +
        \rho \sum^k_{i=1} \sum^{n_d}_{d=1} w_{id}f_{id}(\mathbf{x}) \\
        &\mbox{subject to} && w_{id}(f_{id}(\mathbf{x})-z^{uto}_{id}) - \alpha \leq 0,\\
        &&&\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X},

    where $w_{id} = \frac{1}{\overline{z}_{id} - z^{uto}_{id}}$.

        problem (Problem): the problem the scalarization is added to.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the added scalarization.
        reference_points (list[dict[str, float]]): a list of dicts with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e.,
            aspiration levels.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective
            function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar value to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.

        ScalarizationError: there are missing elements in any reference point.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.
    # check reference points
    for reference_point in reference_points:
        if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
            msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing value for one or more objectives."
            raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    ideal, _ = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)

    # define the auxiliary variable
    alpha = Variable(

    # calculate the weights
    weights = []
    for reference_point in reference_points:
        corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point)
            {obj.symbol: 1 / (corrected_rp[obj.symbol] - (ideal[obj.symbol] - delta)) for obj in problem.objectives}

    # form the max term
    con_terms = []
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        rp = {}
        for obj in problem.objectives:
            rp[obj.symbol] = f"{weights[i][obj.symbol]} * ({obj.symbol}_min - {ideal[obj.symbol] - delta}) - _alpha"

    # form the augmentation term
    aug_exprs = []
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        aug_expr = " + ".join([f"({weights[i][obj.symbol]} * {obj.symbol}_min)" for obj in problem.objectives])
    aug_exprs = " + ".join(aug_exprs)

    constraints = []
    # loop to create a constraint for every objective of every reference point given
    for i in range(len(reference_points)):
        for obj in problem.objectives:
            # since we are subtracting a constant value, the linearity, convexity,
            # and differentiability of the objective function, and hence the
            # constraint, should not change.
                    name=f"Constraint for {obj.symbol}",

    func = f"_alpha + {rho}*({aug_exprs})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="Differentiable STOM scalarization objective function for multiple decision makers",
    _problem = problem.add_variables([alpha])
    _problem = _problem.add_scalarization(scalarization)
    return _problem.add_constraints(constraints), symbol


add_guess_sf_diff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_point: dict[str, float], rho: float = 1e-06, delta: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Adds the differentiable variant of the GUESS scalarizing function.

\[\begin{align*} \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{d_i} \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^{\star\star}}{\bar{z}_i - z_i^{\star\star}} - \alpha \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \notin I^{\diamond},\\ & d_i = \begin{cases} z^\text{nad}_i - \bar{z}_i,\quad \forall i \notin I^\diamond,\\ z^\text{nad}_i - z^{\star\star}_i,\quad \forall i \in I^\diamond,\\ \end{cases}\\ & \mathbf{x} \in S, \end{align*}\]

where \(f_i\) are objective functions, \(z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta\) is a component of the utopian point, \(\bar{z}_i\) is a component of the reference point, \(\rho\) and \(\delta\) are small scalar values, \(S\) is the feasible solution space of the original problem, and \(\alpha\) is an auxiliary variable. The index set \(I^\diamond\) represents objective vectors whose values are free to change. The indices belonging to this set are interpreted as those objective vectors whose components in the reference point is set to be the the respective nadir point component of the problem.


Buchanan, J. T. (1997). A naive approach for solving MCDM problems: The GUESS method. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48, 202-206.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem the scalarization is added to.

symbol str

the symbol given to the added scalarization.

reference_point dict[str, float]

a dict with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e., aspiration levels.

rho float

a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.

delta float

a small scalar to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_guess_sf_diff(
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_point: dict[str, float],
    rho: float = 1e-6,
    delta: float = 1e-6,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Adds the differentiable variant of the GUESS scalarizing function.

        \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{d_i} \\
        \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^{\star\star}}{\bar{z}_i
        - z_i^{\star\star}} - \alpha \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \notin I^{\diamond},\\
        & d_i =
        z^\text{nad}_i - \bar{z}_i,\quad \forall i \notin I^\diamond,\\
        z^\text{nad}_i - z^{\star\star}_i,\quad \forall i \in I^\diamond,\\
        & \mathbf{x} \in S,

    where $f_i$ are objective functions, $z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta$ is
    a component of the utopian point, $\bar{z}_i$ is a component of the reference point,
    $\rho$ and $\delta$ are small scalar values, $S$ is the feasible solution
    space of the original problem, and $\alpha$ is an auxiliary variable. The index
    set $I^\diamond$ represents objective vectors whose values are free to change. The indices
    belonging to this set are interpreted as those objective vectors whose components in
    the reference point is set to be the the respective nadir point component of the problem.

        Buchanan, J. T. (1997). A naive approach for solving MCDM problems: The
        GUESS method. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48, 202-206.

        problem (Problem): the problem the scalarization is added to.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the added scalarization.
        reference_point (dict[str, float]): a dict with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e.,
            aspiration levels.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective
            function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.
    # check reference point
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
        msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing value for one or more objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    ideal_point, nadir_point = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)
    corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point)

    # the indices that are free to change, set if component of reference point
    # has the corresponding nadir value, or if it is greater than the nadir value
    free_to_change = [
        for sym in corrected_rp
        if np.isclose(corrected_rp[sym], nadir_point[sym]) or corrected_rp[sym] > nadir_point[sym]

    # define the auxiliary variable
    alpha = Variable(

    # define the objective function of the scalarization
    aug_expr = " + ".join(
                f"{obj.symbol}_min / ({nadir_point[obj.symbol]} - "
                f"{reference_point[obj.symbol] if obj.symbol not in free_to_change else ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta})"  # noqa: E501
            for obj in problem.objectives

    target_expr = f"_alpha + {rho}*" + f"({aug_expr})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="GUESS scalarization objective function",

    constraints = []

    for obj in problem.objectives:
        if obj.symbol in free_to_change:
            # if free to change, then do not add a constraint

        # not free to change, add constraint
        expr = (
            f"({obj.symbol}_min - {nadir_point[obj.symbol]}) / "
            f"({nadir_point[obj.symbol]} - {corrected_rp[obj.symbol]}) - _alpha"

                name=f"Constraint for {obj.symbol}",

    _problem = problem.add_variables([alpha])
    _problem = _problem.add_scalarization(scalarization)
    return _problem.add_constraints(constraints), symbol


add_guess_sf_nondiff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_point: dict[str, float], rho: float = 1e-06, delta: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Adds the non-differentiable variant of the GUESS scalarizing function.

\[\begin{align*} \underset{\mathbf{x}}{\min}\quad & \underset{i \notin I^\diamond}{\max} \left[ \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^{\star\star}}{\bar{z}_i - z_i^{\star\star}} \right] + \rho \sum_{j=1}^k \frac{f_j(\mathbf{x})}{d_j}, \quad & \\ \text{s.t.}\quad & d_j = \begin{cases} z^\text{nad}_j - \bar{z}_j,\quad \forall j \notin I^\diamond,\\ z^\text{nad}_j - z^{\star\star}_j,\quad \forall j \in I^\diamond,\\ \end{cases}\\ & \mathbf{x} \in S, \end{align*}\]

where \(f_{i/j}\) are objective functions, \(z_{i/j}^{\star\star} = z_{i/j}^\star - \delta\) is a component of the utopian point, \(\bar{z}_{i/j}\) is a component of the reference point, \(\rho\) and \(\delta\) are small scalar values, and \(S\) is the feasible solution space of the original problem. The index set \(I^\diamond\) represents objective vectors whose values are free to change. The indices belonging to this set are interpreted as those objective vectors whose components in the reference point is set to be the the respective nadir point component of the problem.


Buchanan, J. T. (1997). A naive approach for solving MCDM problems: The GUESS method. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48, 202-206.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem the scalarization is added to.

symbol str

the symbol given to the added scalarization.

reference_point dict[str, float]

a dict with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e., aspiration levels.

rho float

a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.

delta float

a small scalar to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_guess_sf_nondiff(
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_point: dict[str, float],
    rho: float = 1e-6,
    delta: float = 1e-6,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Adds the non-differentiable variant of the GUESS scalarizing function.

        \underset{\mathbf{x}}{\min}\quad & \underset{i \notin I^\diamond}{\max}
        \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^{\star\star}}{\bar{z}_i - z_i^{\star\star}}
        + \rho \sum_{j=1}^k \frac{f_j(\mathbf{x})}{d_j},
        \quad & \\
        & d_j =
        z^\text{nad}_j - \bar{z}_j,\quad \forall j \notin I^\diamond,\\
        z^\text{nad}_j - z^{\star\star}_j,\quad \forall j \in I^\diamond,\\
        & \mathbf{x} \in S,

    where $f_{i/j}$ are objective functions, $z_{i/j}^{\star\star} =
    z_{i/j}^\star - \delta$ is a component of the utopian point, $\bar{z}_{i/j}$
    is a component of the reference point, $\rho$ and $\delta$ are small scalar
    values, and $S$ is the feasible solution space of the original problem. The
    index set $I^\diamond$ represents objective vectors whose values are free to
    change. The indices belonging to this set are interpreted as those objective
    vectors whose components in the reference point is set to be the the
    respective nadir point component of the problem.

        Buchanan, J. T. (1997). A naive approach for solving MCDM problems: The
        GUESS method. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48, 202-206.

        problem (Problem): the problem the scalarization is added to.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the added scalarization.
        reference_point (dict[str, float]): a dict with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e.,
            aspiration levels.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective
            function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.
    # check reference point
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
        msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing value for one or more objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    ideal_point, nadir_point = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)
    corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point)

    # the indices that are free to change, set if component of reference point
    # has the corresponding nadir value, or if it is greater than the nadir value
    free_to_change = [
        for sym in corrected_rp
        if np.isclose(corrected_rp[sym], nadir_point[sym]) or corrected_rp[sym] > nadir_point[sym]

    # define the max expression of the scalarization
    # if the objective symbol belongs to the class I^diamond, then do not add it
    # to the max expression
    max_expr = ", ".join(
                f"({obj.symbol}_min - {(ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta)}) / "
                f"({reference_point[obj.symbol]} - {(ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta)})"
            for obj in problem.objectives
            if obj.symbol not in free_to_change

    # define the augmentation term
    aug_expr = " + ".join(
                f"{obj.symbol}_min / ({nadir_point[obj.symbol]} - "
                f"{reference_point[obj.symbol] if obj.symbol not in free_to_change else ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta})"  # noqa: E501
            for obj in problem.objectives

    target_expr = f"{Op.MAX}({max_expr}) + {rho}*({aug_expr})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="GUESS scalarization objective function",

    return problem.add_scalarization(scalarization), symbol


add_nimbus_sf_diff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, classifications: dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]], current_objective_vector: dict[str, float], delta: float = 1e-06, rho: float = 1e-06) -> Problem

Implements the differentiable variant of the NIMBUS scalarization function.

\[\begin{align*} \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i =1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{z_i^{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}} \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^*}{z_i^{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}} - \alpha \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^< \\ & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - \hat{z}_i}{z_i^{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}} - \alpha \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^\leq \\ & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - f_i(\mathbf{x_c}) \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^< \cup I^\leq \cup I^= \\ & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - \epsilon_i \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^\geq \\ & \mathbf{x} \in S, \end{align*}\]

where \(f_i\) are objective functions, \(f_i(\mathbf{x_c})\) is a component of the current objective function, \(\hat{z}_i\) is an aspiration level, \(\varepsilon_i\) is a reservation level, \(z_i^\star\) is a component of the ideal point, \(z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta\) is a component of the utopian point, \(z_i^\text{nad}\) is a component of the nadir point, \(\rho\) is a small scalar, \(S\) is the feasible solution space of the problem (i.e., it means the other constraints of the problem being solved should be accounted for as well), and \(\alpha\) is an auxiliary variable.

The \(I\)-sets are related to the classifications given to each objective function value in respect to the current objective vector (e.g., by a decision maker). They are as follows:

  • \(I^{<}\): values that should improve,
  • \(I^{\leq}\): values that should improve until a given aspiration level \(\hat{z}_i\),
  • \(I^{=}\): values that are fine as they are,
  • \(I^{\geq}\): values that can be impaired until some reservation level \(\varepsilon_i\), and
  • \(I^{\diamond}\): values that are allowed to change freely (not present explicitly in this scalarization function).

The aspiration levels and the reservation levels are supplied for each classification, when relevant, in the argument classifications as follows:

classifications = {
    "f_1": ("<", None),
    "f_2": ("<=", 42.1),
    "f_3": (">=", 22.2),
    "f_4": ("0", None)

Here, we have assumed four objective functions. The key of the dict is a function's symbol, and the tuple consists of a pair where the left element is the classification (self explanatory, '0' is for objective values that may change freely), the right element is either None or an aspiration or a reservation level depending on the classification.


Miettinen, K., & Mäkelä, M. M. (2002). On scalarizing functions in multiobjective optimization. OR Spectrum, 24(2), 193-213.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to be scalarized.

symbol str

the symbol given to the scalarization function, i.e., target of the optimization.

classifications dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]]

a dict, where the key is a symbol of an objective function, and the value is a tuple with a classification and an aspiration or a reservation level, or None, depending on the classification. See above for an explanation.

current_objective_vector dict[str, float]

the current objective vector that corresponds to a Pareto optimal solution. The classifications are assumed to been given in respect to this vector.

delta float

a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 0.000001.

rho float

a small scalar used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.



Type Description

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with a copy of the problem with the added scalarizations and the symbol of the scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_nimbus_sf_diff(  # noqa: PLR0913
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    classifications: dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]],
    current_objective_vector: dict[str, float],
    delta: float = 0.000001,
    rho: float = 0.000001,
) -> Problem:
    r"""Implements the differentiable variant of the NIMBUS scalarization function.

        \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i =1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{z_i^{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}} \\
        \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^*}{z_i^{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}} -
            \alpha \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^< \\
        & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - \hat{z}_i}{z_i^{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}} - \alpha \leq 0 \quad &
        \forall i \in I^\leq \\
        & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - f_i(\mathbf{x_c}) \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^< \cup I^\leq \cup I^= \\
        & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - \epsilon_i \leq 0 \quad & \forall i \in I^\geq \\
        & \mathbf{x} \in S,

    where $f_i$ are objective functions, $f_i(\mathbf{x_c})$ is a component of
    the current objective function, $\hat{z}_i$ is an aspiration level,
    $\varepsilon_i$ is a reservation level, $z_i^\star$ is a component of the
    ideal point, $z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta$ is a component of the
    utopian point, $z_i^\text{nad}$ is a component of the nadir point, $\rho$ is
    a small scalar, $S$ is the feasible solution space of the problem (i.e., it
    means the other constraints of the problem being solved should be accounted
    for as well), and $\alpha$ is an auxiliary variable.

    The $I$-sets are related to the classifications given to each objective function value
    in respect to  the current objective vector (e.g., by a decision maker). They
    are as follows:

    - $I^{<}$: values that should improve,
    - $I^{\leq}$: values that should improve until a given aspiration level $\hat{z}_i$,
    - $I^{=}$: values that are fine as they are,
    - $I^{\geq}$: values that can be impaired until some reservation level $\varepsilon_i$, and
    - $I^{\diamond}$: values that are allowed to change freely (not present explicitly in this scalarization function).

    The aspiration levels and the reservation levels are supplied for each classification, when relevant, in
    the argument `classifications` as follows:

    classifications = {
        "f_1": ("<", None),
        "f_2": ("<=", 42.1),
        "f_3": (">=", 22.2),
        "f_4": ("0", None)

    Here, we have assumed four objective functions. The key of the dict is a function's symbol, and the tuple
    consists of a pair where the left element is the classification (self explanatory, '0' is for objective values
    that may change freely), the right element is either `None` or an aspiration or a reservation level
    depending on the classification.

        Miettinen, K., & Mäkelä, M. M. (2002). On scalarizing functions in
            multiobjective optimization. OR Spectrum, 24(2), 193-213.

        problem (Problem): the problem to be scalarized.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the scalarization function, i.e., target of the optimization.
        classifications (dict[str, tuple[str, float  |  None]]): a dict, where the key is a symbol
            of an objective function, and the value is a tuple with a classification and an aspiration
            or a reservation level, or `None`, depending on the classification. See above for an
        current_objective_vector (dict[str, float]): the current objective vector that corresponds to
            a Pareto optimal solution. The classifications are assumed to been given in respect to
            this vector.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 0.000001.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with a copy of the problem with the added scalarizations and the
            symbol of the scalarization.
    # check that classifications have been provided for all objective functions
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, classifications):
        msg = (
            f"The given classifications {classifications} do not define "
            "a classification for all the objective functions."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check that at least one objective function is allowed to be improved and one is
    # allowed to worsen
    if not any(classifications[obj.symbol][0] in ["<", "<="] for obj in problem.objectives) or not any(
        classifications[obj.symbol][0] in [">=", "0"] for obj in problem.objectives
        msg = (
            f"The given classifications {classifications} should allow at least one objective function value "
            "to improve and one to worsen."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check ideal and nadir exist
    ideal_point, nadir_point = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)

    # define the auxiliary variable
    alpha = Variable(

    # define the objective function of the scalarization
    aug_expr = " + ".join(
            f"{obj.symbol}_min / ({nadir_point[obj.symbol]} - {ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta})"
            for obj in problem.objectives

    target_expr = f"_alpha + {rho}*" + f"({aug_expr})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="NIMBUS scalarization objective function",

    constraints = []

    # create all the constraints
    for obj in problem.objectives:
        _symbol = obj.symbol
        match classifications[_symbol]:
            case ("<", _):
                expr = (
                    f"({_symbol}_min - {ideal_point[_symbol]}) / "
                    f"({nadir_point[_symbol] - (ideal_point[_symbol] - delta)}) - _alpha"
                        name=f"improvement constraint for {_symbol}",

                # if obj is to be maximized, then the current objective vector value needs to be multiplied by -1
                expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {current_objective_vector[_symbol]}{' * -1' if obj.maximize else ''}"
                        name=f"stay at least equal constraint for {_symbol}",
            case ("<=", aspiration):
                # if obj is to be maximized, then the current reservation value needs to be multiplied by -1
                expr = (
                    f"({_symbol}_min - {aspiration}{' * -1' if obj.maximize else ''}) / "
                    f"({nadir_point[_symbol]} - {ideal_point[_symbol] - delta}) - _alpha"
                        name=f"improvement until constraint for {_symbol}",

                # if obj is to be maximized, then the current objective vector value needs to be multiplied by -1
                expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {current_objective_vector[_symbol]}{' * -1' if obj.maximize else ''}"
                        name=f"stay at least equal constraint for {_symbol}",
            case ("=", _):
                # if obj is to be maximized, then the current objective vector value needs to be multiplied by -1
                expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {current_objective_vector[_symbol]}{' * -1' if obj.maximize else ''}"
                        name=f"stay at least equal constraint for {_symbol}",
            case (">=", reservation):
                # if obj is to be maximized, then the reservation value needs to be multiplied by -1
                expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {reservation}{' * -1' if obj.maximize else ''}"
                        name=f"worsen until constriant for {_symbol}",
            case ("0", _):
                # not relevant for this scalarization
            case (c, _):
                msg = (
                    f"Warning! The classification {c} was supplied, but it is not supported."
                    "Must be one of ['<', '<=', '0', '=', '>=']"

    # add the auxiliary variable, scalarization, and constraints
    _problem = problem.add_variables([alpha])
    _problem = _problem.add_scalarization(scalarization)
    return _problem.add_constraints(constraints), symbol


add_nimbus_sf_nondiff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, classifications: dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]], current_objective_vector: dict[str, float], delta: float = 1e-06, rho: float = 1e-06) -> Problem

Implements the non-differentiable variant of the NIMBUS scalarization function.

\[\begin{align*} \underset{\mathbf{x}}{\min} \underset{\substack{j \in I^\leq \\i \in I^<}}{\max} &\left[ \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^\star}{z_i^\text{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}}, \frac{f_j(\mathbf{x}) - \hat{z}_j}{z_j^\text{nad} - x_j^{\star\star}} \right] +\rho \sum_{i =1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{z_i^{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}} \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - f_i(\mathbf{x}^c) \leq 0\quad&\forall i \in I^< \cup I^\leq \cup I^=,\\ & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - \epsilon_i \leq 0\quad&\forall i \in I^\geq,\\ & \mathbf{x} \in S, \end{align*}\]

where \(f_i\) are objective functions, \(f_i(\mathbf{x_c})\) is a component of the current objective function, \(\hat{z}_i\) is an aspiration level, \(\varepsilon_i\) is a reservation level, \(z_i^\star\) is a component of the ideal point, \(z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta\) is a component of the utopian point, \(z_i^\text{nad}\) is a component of the nadir point, \(\rho\) is a small scalar, and \(S\) is the feasible solution space of the problem (i.e., it means the other constraints of the problem being solved should be accounted for as well).

The \(I\)-sets are related to the classifications given to each objective function value in respect to the current objective vector (e.g., by a decision maker). They are as follows:

  • \(I^{<}\): values that should improve,
  • \(I^{\leq}\): values that should improve until a given aspiration level \(\hat{z}_i\),
  • \(I^{=}\): values that are fine as they are,
  • \(I^{\geq}\): values that can be impaired until some reservation level \(\varepsilon_i\), and
  • \(I^{\diamond}\): values that are allowed to change freely (not present explicitly in this scalarization function).

The aspiration levels and the reservation levels are supplied for each classification, when relevant, in the argument classifications as follows:

classifications = {
    "f_1": ("<", None),
    "f_2": ("<=", 42.1),
    "f_3": (">=", 22.2),
    "f_4": ("0", None)

Here, we have assumed four objective functions. The key of the dict is a function's symbol, and the tuple consists of a pair where the left element is the classification (self explanatory, '0' is for objective values that may change freely), the right element is either None or an aspiration or a reservation level depending on the classification.


Miettinen, K., & Mäkelä, M. M. (2002). On scalarizing functions in multiobjective optimization. OR Spectrum, 24(2), 193-213.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to be scalarized.

symbol str

the symbol given to the scalarization function, i.e., target of the optimization.

classifications dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]]

a dict, where the key is a symbol of an objective function, and the value is a tuple with a classification and an aspiration or a reservation level, or None, depending on the classification. See above for an explanation.

current_objective_vector dict[str, float]

the current objective vector that corresponds to a Pareto optimal solution. The classifications are assumed to been given in respect to this vector.

delta float

a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 0.000001.

rho float

a small scalar used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.



Type Description

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with a copy of the problem with the added scalarizations and the symbol of the scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_nimbus_sf_nondiff(  # noqa: PLR0913
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    classifications: dict[str, tuple[str, float | None]],
    current_objective_vector: dict[str, float],
    delta: float = 0.000001,
    rho: float = 0.000001,
) -> Problem:
    r"""Implements the non-differentiable variant of the NIMBUS scalarization function.

        \underset{\substack{j \in I^\leq \\i \in I^<}}{\max}
        &\left[ \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^\star}{z_i^\text{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}},
        \frac{f_j(\mathbf{x}) - \hat{z}_j}{z_j^\text{nad} - x_j^{\star\star}} \right]
        +\rho \sum_{i =1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{z_i^{nad} - z_i^{\star\star}} \\
        \text{s.t.} \quad & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - f_i(\mathbf{x}^c) \leq 0\quad&\forall i \in I^< \cup I^\leq \cup I^=,\\
        & f_i(\mathbf{x}) - \epsilon_i \leq 0\quad&\forall i \in I^\geq,\\
        & \mathbf{x} \in S,

    where $f_i$ are objective functions, $f_i(\mathbf{x_c})$ is a component of
    the current objective function, $\hat{z}_i$ is an aspiration level,
    $\varepsilon_i$ is a reservation level, $z_i^\star$ is a component of the
    ideal point, $z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta$ is a component of the
    utopian point, $z_i^\text{nad}$ is a component of the nadir point, $\rho$ is
    a small scalar, and $S$ is the feasible solution space of the problem (i.e., it
    means the other constraints of the problem being solved should be accounted
    for as well).

    The $I$-sets are related to the classifications given to each objective function value
    in respect to  the current objective vector (e.g., by a decision maker). They
    are as follows:

    - $I^{<}$: values that should improve,
    - $I^{\leq}$: values that should improve until a given aspiration level $\hat{z}_i$,
    - $I^{=}$: values that are fine as they are,
    - $I^{\geq}$: values that can be impaired until some reservation level $\varepsilon_i$, and
    - $I^{\diamond}$: values that are allowed to change freely (not present explicitly in this scalarization function).

    The aspiration levels and the reservation levels are supplied for each classification, when relevant, in
    the argument `classifications` as follows:

    classifications = {
        "f_1": ("<", None),
        "f_2": ("<=", 42.1),
        "f_3": (">=", 22.2),
        "f_4": ("0", None)

    Here, we have assumed four objective functions. The key of the dict is a function's symbol, and the tuple
    consists of a pair where the left element is the classification (self explanatory, '0' is for objective values
    that may change freely), the right element is either `None` or an aspiration or a reservation level
    depending on the classification.

        Miettinen, K., & Mäkelä, M. M. (2002). On scalarizing functions in
            multiobjective optimization. OR Spectrum, 24(2), 193-213.

        problem (Problem): the problem to be scalarized.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the scalarization function, i.e., target of the optimization.
        classifications (dict[str, tuple[str, float  |  None]]): a dict, where the key is a symbol
            of an objective function, and the value is a tuple with a classification and an aspiration
            or a reservation level, or `None`, depending on the classification. See above for an
        current_objective_vector (dict[str, float]): the current objective vector that corresponds to
            a Pareto optimal solution. The classifications are assumed to been given in respect to
            this vector.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar used to define the utopian point. Defaults to 0.000001.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar used in the augmentation term. Defaults to 0.000001.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with a copy of the problem with the added scalarizations and the
            symbol of the scalarization.
    # check that classifications have been provided for all objective functions
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, classifications):
        msg = (
            f"The given classifications {classifications} do not define "
            "a classification for all the objective functions."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check that at least one objective function is allowed to be improved and one is
    # allowed to worsen
    if not any(classifications[obj.symbol][0] in ["<", "<="] for obj in problem.objectives) or not any(
        classifications[obj.symbol][0] in [">=", "0"] for obj in problem.objectives
        msg = (
            f"The given classifications {classifications} should allow at least one objective function value "
            "to improve and one to worsen."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # check ideal and nadir exist
    ideal_point, nadir_point = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)
    corrected_current_point = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, current_objective_vector)

    # max term and constraints
    max_args = []
    constraints = []

    for obj in problem.objectives:
        _symbol = obj.symbol
        match classifications[_symbol]:
            case ("<", _):
                max_expr = (
                    f"({_symbol}_min - {ideal_point[_symbol]}) / "
                    f"({nadir_point[_symbol]} - {ideal_point[_symbol] - delta})"

                con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {corrected_current_point[_symbol]}"
                        name=f"improvement constraint for {_symbol}",

            case ("<=", aspiration):
                # if obj is to be maximized, then the current reservation value needs to be multiplied by -1
                max_expr = (
                    f"({_symbol}_min - {aspiration * -1 if obj.maximize else aspiration}) / "
                    f"({nadir_point[_symbol]} - {ideal_point[_symbol] - delta})"

                con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {corrected_current_point[_symbol]}"
                        name=f"improvement until constraint for {_symbol}",

            case ("=", _):
                con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {corrected_current_point[_symbol]}"
                        name=f"Stay at least as good constraint for {_symbol}",
            case (">=", reservation):
                con_expr = f"{_symbol}_min - {-1 * reservation if obj.maximize else reservation}"
                        name=f"Worsen until constriant for {_symbol}",
            case ("0", _):
                # not relevant for this scalarization
            case (c, _):
                msg = (
                    f"Warning! The classification {c} was supplied, but it is not supported."
                    "Must be one of ['<', '<=', '0', '=', '>=']"

    max_expr = f"Max({','.join(max_args)})"

    # define the objective function of the scalarization
    aug_expr = " + ".join(
            f"{obj.symbol}_min / ({nadir_point[obj.symbol]} - {ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta})"
            for obj in problem.objectives

    target_expr = f"{max_expr} + {rho}*({aug_expr})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="NIMBUS scalarization objective function",

    _problem = problem.add_scalarization(scalarization)
    return _problem.add_constraints(constraints), symbol


add_objective_as_scalarization(problem: Problem, symbol: str, objective_symbol: str) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Creates a scalarization where one of the problem's objective functions is optimized.

The scalarization is defined as follows:

\[\begin{equation} \operatorname{min}_{\mathbf{x} \in S} f_t(\mathbf{x}), \end{equation}\]

where \(f_t(\mathbf{x})\) is the objective function to be minimized.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to which the scalarization should be added.

symbol str

the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.

objective_symbol str

the symbol of the objective function to be optimized.



Type Description

the given objective_symbol does not exist in the problem.


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added, and the symbol of the added scalarization function.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_objective_as_scalarization(problem: Problem, symbol: str, objective_symbol: str) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Creates a scalarization where one of the problem's objective functions is optimized.

    The scalarization is defined as follows:

        \operatorname{min}_{\mathbf{x} \in S} f_t(\mathbf{x}),

    where $f_t(\mathbf{x})$ is the objective function to be minimized.

        problem (Problem): the problem to which the scalarization should be added.
        symbol (str): the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.
        objective_symbol (str): the symbol of the objective function to be optimized.

        ScalarizationError: the given objective_symbol does not exist in the problem.

        tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added,
            and the symbol of the added scalarization function.
    # check that symbol exists
    if problem.get_objective(objective_symbol, copy=False) is None:
        msg = f"The given objective symbol {objective_symbol} is not defined in the problem.."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    sf = ["Multiply", 1, f"{objective_symbol}_min"]

    original_objective = problem.get_objective(objective_symbol, copy=False)

    # Add the function to the problem
    scalarization_function = ScalarizationFunction(
        name=f"Objective {objective_symbol}",
    return problem.add_scalarization(scalarization_function), symbol


add_stom_sf_diff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_point: dict[str, float], rho: float = 1e-06, delta: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Adds the differentiable variant of the STOM scalarizing function.

\[\begin{align*} \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{\bar{z}_i - z_i^{\star\star}} \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^{\star\star}}{\bar{z}_i - z_i^{\star\star}} - \alpha \leq 0 \quad & \forall i = 1,\dots,k\\ & \mathbf{x} \in S, \end{align*}\]

where \(f_i\) are objective functions, \(z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta\) is a component of the utopian point, \(\bar{z}_i\) is a component of the reference point, \(\rho\) and \(\delta\) are small scalar values, \(S\) is the feasible solution space of the original problem, and \(\alpha\) is an auxiliary variable.


H. Nakayama, Y. Sawaragi, Satisficing trade-off method for multiobjective programming, in: M. Grauer, A.P. Wierzbicki (Eds.), Interactive Decision Analysis, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1984, pp. 113-122.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem the scalarization is added to.

symbol str

the symbol given to the added scalarization.

reference_point dict[str, float]

a dict with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e., aspiration levels.

rho float

a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.

delta float

a small scalar value to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_stom_sf_diff(
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_point: dict[str, float],
    rho: float = 1e-6,
    delta: float = 1e-6,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Adds the differentiable variant of the STOM scalarizing function.

        \min \quad & \alpha + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{\bar{z}_i - z_i^{\star\star}} \\
        \text{s.t.} \quad & \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^{\star\star}}{\bar{z}_i
        - z_i^{\star\star}} - \alpha \leq 0 \quad & \forall i = 1,\dots,k\\
        & \mathbf{x} \in S,

    where $f_i$ are objective functions, $z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta$ is
    a component of the utopian point, $\bar{z}_i$ is a component of the reference point,
    $\rho$ and $\delta$ are small scalar values, $S$ is the feasible solution
    space of the original problem,  and $\alpha$ is an auxiliary variable.

        H. Nakayama, Y. Sawaragi, Satisficing trade-off method for
            multiobjective programming, in: M. Grauer, A.P. Wierzbicki (Eds.),
            Interactive Decision Analysis, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1984, pp.

        problem (Problem): the problem the scalarization is added to.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the added scalarization.
        reference_point (dict[str, float]): a dict with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e.,
            aspiration levels.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective
            function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar value to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.
    # check reference point
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
        msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing value for one or more objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    ideal_point, _ = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)
    corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point)

    # define the auxiliary variable
    alpha = Variable(

    # define the objective function of the scalarization
    aug_expr = " + ".join(
            f"{obj.symbol}_min / ({reference_point[obj.symbol]} - {ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta})"
            for obj in problem.objectives

    target_expr = f"_alpha + {rho}*" + f"({aug_expr})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="STOM scalarization objective function",

    constraints = []

    for obj in problem.objectives:
        expr = (
            f"({obj.symbol}_min - {ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta}) / "
            f"({corrected_rp[obj.symbol] - (ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta)}) - _alpha"
                name=f"Max constraint for {obj.symbol}",

    _problem = problem.add_variables([alpha])
    _problem = _problem.add_scalarization(scalarization)
    return _problem.add_constraints(constraints), symbol


add_stom_sf_nondiff(problem: Problem, symbol: str, reference_point: dict[str, float], rho: float = 1e-06, delta: float = 1e-06) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Adds the non-differentiable variant of the STOM scalarizing function.

\[\begin{align*} \underset{\mathbf{x}}{\min} \quad & \underset{i=1,\dots,k}{\max}\left[ \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^{\star\star}}{\bar{z}_i - z_i^{\star\star}} \right] + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{\bar{z}_i - z_i^{\star\star}} \\ \text{s.t.}\quad & \mathbf{x} \in S, \end{align*}\]

where \(f_i\) are objective functions, \(z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta\) is a component of the utopian point, \(\bar{z}_i\) is a component of the reference point, \(\rho\) and \(\delta\) are small scalar values, and \(S\) is the feasible solution space of the original problem.


H. Nakayama, Y. Sawaragi, Satisficing trade-off method for multiobjective programming, in: M. Grauer, A.P. Wierzbicki (Eds.), Interactive Decision Analysis, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1984, pp. 113-122.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem the scalarization is added to.

symbol str

the symbol given to the added scalarization.

reference_point dict[str, float]

a dict with keys corresponding to objective function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e., aspiration levels.

rho float

a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.

delta float

a small scalar value to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.



Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_stom_sf_nondiff(
    problem: Problem,
    symbol: str,
    reference_point: dict[str, float],
    rho: float = 1e-6,
    delta: float = 1e-6,
) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Adds the non-differentiable variant of the STOM scalarizing function.

        \underset{\mathbf{x}}{\min} \quad & \underset{i=1,\dots,k}{\max}\left[
            \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x}) - z_i^{\star\star}}{\bar{z}_i - z_i^{\star\star}}
            + \rho \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{f_i(\mathbf{x})}{\bar{z}_i - z_i^{\star\star}} \\
        \text{s.t.}\quad & \mathbf{x} \in S,

    where $f_i$ are objective functions, $z_i^{\star\star} = z_i^\star - \delta$ is
    a component of the utopian point, $\bar{z}_i$ is a component of the reference point,
    $\rho$ and $\delta$ are small scalar values, and $S$ is the feasible solution
    space of the original problem.

        H. Nakayama, Y. Sawaragi, Satisficing trade-off method for
            multiobjective programming, in: M. Grauer, A.P. Wierzbicki (Eds.),
            Interactive Decision Analysis, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1984, pp.

        problem (Problem): the problem the scalarization is added to.
        symbol (str): the symbol given to the added scalarization.
        reference_point (dict[str, float]): a dict with keys corresponding to objective
            function symbols and values to reference point components, i.e.,
            aspiration levels.
        rho (float, optional): a small scalar value to scale the sum in the objective
            function of the scalarization. Defaults to 1e-6.
        delta (float, optional): a small scalar value to define the utopian point. Defaults to 1e-6.

        tuple[Problem, str]: a tuple with the copy of the problem with the added
            scalarization and the symbol of the added scalarization.
    # check reference point
    if not objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem, reference_point):
        msg = f"The give reference point {reference_point} is missing value for one or more objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    ideal_point, _ = get_corrected_ideal_and_nadir(problem)
    corrected_rp = get_corrected_reference_point(problem, reference_point)

    # define the objective function of the scalarization
    max_expr = ", ".join(
                f"({obj.symbol}_min - {ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta}) / "
                f"({corrected_rp[obj.symbol]} - {ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta})"
            for obj in problem.objectives
    aug_expr = " + ".join(
            f"{obj.symbol}_min / ({reference_point[obj.symbol]} - {ideal_point[obj.symbol] - delta})"
            for obj in problem.objectives

    target_expr = f"{Op.MAX}({max_expr}) + {rho}*" + f"({aug_expr})"
    scalarization = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="STOM scalarization objective function",

    return problem.add_scalarization(scalarization), symbol


add_weighted_sums(problem: Problem, symbol: str, weights: dict[str, float]) -> tuple[Problem, str]

Add the weighted sums scalarization to a problem with the given weights.

It is assumed that the weights add to 1.

The scalarization is defined as follows:

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} & \mathcal{S}_\text{WS}(F(\mathbf{x});\mathbf{w}) = \sum_{i=1}^{k} w_i f_i(\mathbf{x}) \\ & \text{s.t.} \sum_{i=1}^{k} w_i = 1, \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]

where \(\mathbf{w} = [w_1,\dots,w_k]\) are the weights and \(k\) is the number of objective functions.


The weighted sums scalarization is often not capable of finding most Pareto optimal solutions when optimized. It is advised to utilize some better scalarization functions.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to which the scalarization should be added.

symbol str

the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.

weights dict[str, float]

the weights. For the method to work, the weights should sum to 1. However, this is not a condition that is checked.



Type Description

if the weights are missing any of the objective components.


Type Description
tuple[Problem, str]

tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added, and the symbol of the added scalarization function.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_weighted_sums(problem: Problem, symbol: str, weights: dict[str, float]) -> tuple[Problem, str]:
    r"""Add the weighted sums scalarization to a problem with the given weights.

    It is assumed that the weights add to 1.

    The scalarization is defined as follows:

        & \mathcal{S}_\text{WS}(F(\mathbf{x});\mathbf{w}) = \sum_{i=1}^{k} w_i f_i(\mathbf{x}) \\
        & \text{s.t.} \sum_{i=1}^{k} w_i = 1,

    where $\mathbf{w} = [w_1,\dots,w_k]$ are the weights and $k$ is the number of
    objective functions.

        The weighted sums scalarization is often not capable of finding most Pareto optimal
            solutions when optimized. It is advised to utilize some better scalarization

        problem (Problem): the problem to which the scalarization should be added.
        symbol (str): the symbol to reference the added scalarization function.
        weights (dict[str, float]): the weights. For the method to work, the weights
            should sum to 1. However, this is not a condition that is checked.

        ScalarizationError: if the weights are missing any of the objective components.

        tuple[Problem, str]: A tuple containing a copy of the problem with the scalarization function added,
            and the symbol of the added scalarization function.
    # check that the weights have all the objective components
    if not all(obj.symbol in weights for obj in problem.objectives):
        msg = f"The given weight vector {weights} does not have a component defined for all the objectives."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    # Build the sum
    sum_terms = [f"({weights[obj.symbol]} * {obj.symbol}_min)" for obj in problem.objectives]

    # aggregate the terms
    sf = " + ".join(sum_terms)

    # Add the function to the problem
    scalarization_function = ScalarizationFunction(
        name="Weighted sums scalarization function",
    return problem.add_scalarization(scalarization_function), symbol


create_epsilon_constraints_json(problem: Problem, objective_symbol: str, epsilons: dict[str, float]) -> tuple[list[str | int | float], list[str]]

Creates JSON expressions for an epsilon constraints scalarization and constraints.

It is assumed that epsilon have been given in a format where each objective is to be minimized.


To be deprecated.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to scalarize.

objective_symbol str

the objective used as the objective in the epsilon constraint scalarization.

epsilons dict[str, float]

the epsilon constraint values in a dict with each key being an objective's symbol.



Type Description

objective_symbol not found in problem definition.


Type Description
tuple[list[str | int | float], list[str]]

tuple[list, list]: the first element is the expression of the scalarized objective expressed in MathJSON format. The second element is a list of expressions of the constraints expressed in MathJSON format. The constraints are in less than or equal format.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def create_epsilon_constraints_json(
    problem: Problem, objective_symbol: str, epsilons: dict[str, float]
) -> tuple[list[str | int | float], list[str]]:
    """Creates JSON expressions for an epsilon constraints scalarization and constraints.

    It is assumed that epsilon have been given in a format where each objective is to be minimized.

        To be deprecated.

        problem (Problem): the problem to scalarize.
        objective_symbol (str): the objective used as the objective in the epsilon constraint scalarization.
        epsilons (dict[str, float]): the epsilon constraint values in a dict
            with each key being an objective's symbol.

        ScalarizationError: `objective_symbol` not found in problem definition.

        tuple[list, list]: the first element is the expression of the scalarized objective expressed in MathJSON format.
            The second element is a list of expressions of the constraints expressed in MathJSON format.
            The constraints are in less than or equal format.
    correct_symbols = [objective.symbol for objective in problem.objectives]
    if objective_symbol not in correct_symbols:
        msg = f"The given objective symbol {objective_symbol} should be one of {correct_symbols}."
        raise ScalarizationError(msg)

    scalarization_expr = ["Multiply", 1, f"{objective_symbol}_min"]

    # the epsilons must be given such that each objective function is to be minimized
    constraint_exprs = [["Add", f"{obj}_min", ["Negate", epsilons[obj]]] for obj in correct_symbols]

    return scalarization_expr, constraint_exprs


objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem: Problem, obj_dict: dict[str, float]) -> bool

Check that a dict has all the objective function symbols of a problem as its keys.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem with the objective symbols.

obj_dict dict[str, float]

a dict that should have a key for each objective symbol.



Name Type Description
bool bool

whether all the symbols are present or not.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def objective_dict_has_all_symbols(problem: Problem, obj_dict: dict[str, float]) -> bool:
    """Check that a dict has all the objective function symbols of a problem as its keys.

        problem (Problem): the problem with the objective symbols.
        obj_dict (dict[str, float]): a dict that should have a key for each objective symbol.

        bool: whether all the symbols are present or not.
    return all(obj.symbol in obj_dict for obj in problem.objectives)

Gurobipy solver interfaces

Defines solver interfaces for gurobipy.


Bases: BaseSolver

Creates a gurobipy solver that utilizes gurobi's own Python implementation.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
class GurobipySolver(BaseSolver):
    """Creates a gurobipy solver that utilizes gurobi's own Python implementation."""

    def __init__(self, problem: Problem, options: dict[str, any] | None = None):
        """The solver is initialized by supplying a problem and options.

        Unlike with Pyomo you do not need to have gurobi installed on your system
        for this to work. Suitable for solving mixed-integer linear and quadratic optimization

            problem (Problem): the problem to be solved.
            options (dict[str,any]): Dictionary of Gurobi parameters to set.
                You probably don't need to set any of these and can just use the defaults.
                For available parameters see
        self.evaluator = GurobipyEvaluator(problem)
        self.problem = problem

        if options is not None:
            for key, value in options.items():
                self.evaluator.model.setParam(key, value)

    def solve(self, target: str) -> SolverResults:
        """Solve the problem for the given target.

            target (str): the symbol of the function to be optimized, and which is
                defined in the problem given when initializing the solver.

            SolverResults: the results of the optimization.
        return parse_gurobipy_optimizer_results(self.problem, self.evaluator)
__init__(problem: Problem, options: dict[str, any] | None = None)

The solver is initialized by supplying a problem and options.

Unlike with Pyomo you do not need to have gurobi installed on your system for this to work. Suitable for solving mixed-integer linear and quadratic optimization problems.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to be solved.

options dict[str, any]

Dictionary of Gurobi parameters to set. You probably don't need to set any of these and can just use the defaults. For available parameters see

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def __init__(self, problem: Problem, options: dict[str, any] | None = None):
    """The solver is initialized by supplying a problem and options.

    Unlike with Pyomo you do not need to have gurobi installed on your system
    for this to work. Suitable for solving mixed-integer linear and quadratic optimization

        problem (Problem): the problem to be solved.
        options (dict[str,any]): Dictionary of Gurobi parameters to set.
            You probably don't need to set any of these and can just use the defaults.
            For available parameters see
    self.evaluator = GurobipyEvaluator(problem)
    self.problem = problem

    if options is not None:
        for key, value in options.items():
            self.evaluator.model.setParam(key, value)
solve(target: str) -> SolverResults

Solve the problem for the given target.


Name Type Description Default
target str

the symbol of the function to be optimized, and which is defined in the problem given when initializing the solver.



Name Type Description
SolverResults SolverResults

the results of the optimization.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def solve(self, target: str) -> SolverResults:
    """Solve the problem for the given target.

        target (str): the symbol of the function to be optimized, and which is
            defined in the problem given when initializing the solver.

        SolverResults: the results of the optimization.
    return parse_gurobipy_optimizer_results(self.problem, self.evaluator)


Bases: PersistentSolver

A persistent solver class utlizing gurobipy.

Use this instead of create_gurobipy_solver when re-initializing the solver every time the problem is changed is not practical.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
class PersistentGurobipySolver(PersistentSolver):
    """A persistent solver class utlizing gurobipy.

    Use this instead of create_gurobipy_solver when re-initializing the
    solver every time the problem is changed is not practical.

    evaluator: GurobipyEvaluator

    def __init__(self, problem: Problem, options: dict[str, any] | None = None):
        """Initializer for the persistent solver.

            problem (Problem): the problem to be transformed in a GurobipyModel.
            options (dict[str,any]): Dictionary of Gurobi parameters to set.
                You probably don't need to set any of these and can just use the defaults.
                For available parameters see
        self.problem = problem
        self.evaluator = GurobipyEvaluator(problem)
        if options is not None:
            for key, value in options.items():
                self.evaluator.model.setParam(key, value)

    def add_constraint(self, constraint: Constraint | list[Constraint]) -> gp.Constr | list[gp.Constr]:
        """Add one or more constraint expressions to the solver.

        If adding a lot of constraints or dealing with a large model, this function
        may end up being very slow compared to adding the constraints to the model
        stored in the evaluator directly.

            constraint (Constraint): the constraint function expression or a list of
                constraint function expressions.

            GurobipyEvaluatorError: when an unsupported constraint type is encountered.

            gurobipy.Constr: The gurobipy constraint that was added or a list of gurobipy
                constraints if the constraint argument was a list.
        if isinstance(constraint, list):
            cons_list = list[gp.Constr]
            for cons in constraint:
            return cons_list

        return self.evaluator.add_constraint(constraint)

    def add_objective(self, objective: Objective | list[Objective]):
        """Adds an objective function expression to the solver.

        Does not yet add any actual gurobipy optimization objectives, only adds them to the dict
        containing the expressions of the objectives. The objective expressions are stored in the
        evaluator and the evaluator must add the appropiate gurobipy objective before solving.

            objective (Objective): an objective function expression or a list of objective function
                expressions to be added.
        if not isinstance(objective, list):
            objective = [objective]

        for obj in objective:

    def add_scalarization_function(self, scalarization: ScalarizationFunction | list[ScalarizationFunction]):
        """Adds a scalrization expression to the solver.

        Scalarizations work identically to objectives, except they are stored in a different
        dict in the evaluator. If you want to solve the problem using a scalarization, the
        evaluator needs to set it as an optimization target first.

            scalarization (ScalarizationFunction): A scalarization function or a list of
                scalarization functions to be added.
        if not isinstance(scalarization, list):
            scalarization = [scalarization]

        for scal in scalarization:

    def add_variable(
        self, variable: Variable | TensorVariable | list[Variable] | list[TensorVariable]
    ) -> gp.Var | gp.MVar | list[gp.Var] | list[gp.MVar]:
        """Add one or more variables to the solver.

        If adding a lot of variables or dealing with a large model, this function
        may end up being very slow compared to adding the variables to the model
        stored in the evaluator directly.

            variable (Variable): The definition of the variable or a list of variables to be added.

            GurobipyEvaluatorError: when a problem in extracting the variables is encountered.
                I.e., the variables are of a non supported type.

            gp.Var: the variable that was added to the model or a list of variables if
                variable argument was a list.
        if isinstance(variable, list):
            var_list = list[gp.Var | gp.MVar]
            for var in variable:
            return var_list

        return self.evaluator.add_variable(variable)

    def remove_constraint(self, symbol: str | list[str]):
        """Removes a constraint from the solver.

        If removing a lot of constraints or dealing with a very large model this function
        may be slow because of the model.update() calls. Accessing the model stored in the
        evaluator directly may be faster.

            symbol (str): a str representing the symbol of the constraint to be removed.
                Can also be a list of multiple symbols.
        if not isinstance(symbol, list):
            symbol = [symbol]
        for s in symbol:

    def remove_variable(self, symbol: str | list[str]):
        """Removes a variable from the model.

        If removing a lot of variables or dealing with a very large model this function
        may be slow because of the model.update() calls. Accessing the model stored in
        the evaluator directly may be faster.

            symbol (str): a str representing the symbol of the variable to be removed.
                Can also be a list of multiple symbols.

    def solve(self, target: str) -> SolverResults:
        """Solves the current problem with the specified target.

            target (str): a str representing the symbol of the target function.

            SolverResults: The results of the solver
        return parse_gurobipy_optimizer_results(self.problem, self.evaluator)
__init__(problem: Problem, options: dict[str, any] | None = None)

Initializer for the persistent solver.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

the problem to be transformed in a GurobipyModel.

options dict[str, any]

Dictionary of Gurobi parameters to set. You probably don't need to set any of these and can just use the defaults. For available parameters see

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def __init__(self, problem: Problem, options: dict[str, any] | None = None):
    """Initializer for the persistent solver.

        problem (Problem): the problem to be transformed in a GurobipyModel.
        options (dict[str,any]): Dictionary of Gurobi parameters to set.
            You probably don't need to set any of these and can just use the defaults.
            For available parameters see
    self.problem = problem
    self.evaluator = GurobipyEvaluator(problem)
    if options is not None:
        for key, value in options.items():
            self.evaluator.model.setParam(key, value)
add_constraint(constraint: Constraint | list[Constraint]) -> gp.Constr | list[gp.Constr]

Add one or more constraint expressions to the solver.

If adding a lot of constraints or dealing with a large model, this function may end up being very slow compared to adding the constraints to the model stored in the evaluator directly.


Name Type Description Default
constraint Constraint

the constraint function expression or a list of constraint function expressions.



Type Description

when an unsupported constraint type is encountered.


Type Description
Constr | list[Constr]

gurobipy.Constr: The gurobipy constraint that was added or a list of gurobipy constraints if the constraint argument was a list.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_constraint(self, constraint: Constraint | list[Constraint]) -> gp.Constr | list[gp.Constr]:
    """Add one or more constraint expressions to the solver.

    If adding a lot of constraints or dealing with a large model, this function
    may end up being very slow compared to adding the constraints to the model
    stored in the evaluator directly.

        constraint (Constraint): the constraint function expression or a list of
            constraint function expressions.

        GurobipyEvaluatorError: when an unsupported constraint type is encountered.

        gurobipy.Constr: The gurobipy constraint that was added or a list of gurobipy
            constraints if the constraint argument was a list.
    if isinstance(constraint, list):
        cons_list = list[gp.Constr]
        for cons in constraint:
        return cons_list

    return self.evaluator.add_constraint(constraint)
add_objective(objective: Objective | list[Objective])

Adds an objective function expression to the solver.

Does not yet add any actual gurobipy optimization objectives, only adds them to the dict containing the expressions of the objectives. The objective expressions are stored in the evaluator and the evaluator must add the appropiate gurobipy objective before solving.


Name Type Description Default
objective Objective

an objective function expression or a list of objective function expressions to be added.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_objective(self, objective: Objective | list[Objective]):
    """Adds an objective function expression to the solver.

    Does not yet add any actual gurobipy optimization objectives, only adds them to the dict
    containing the expressions of the objectives. The objective expressions are stored in the
    evaluator and the evaluator must add the appropiate gurobipy objective before solving.

        objective (Objective): an objective function expression or a list of objective function
            expressions to be added.
    if not isinstance(objective, list):
        objective = [objective]

    for obj in objective:
add_scalarization_function(scalarization: ScalarizationFunction | list[ScalarizationFunction])

Adds a scalrization expression to the solver.

Scalarizations work identically to objectives, except they are stored in a different dict in the evaluator. If you want to solve the problem using a scalarization, the evaluator needs to set it as an optimization target first.


Name Type Description Default
scalarization ScalarizationFunction

A scalarization function or a list of scalarization functions to be added.

Source code in desdeo/tools/
def add_scalarization_function(self, scalarization: ScalarizationFunction | list[ScalarizationFunction]):
    """Adds a scalrization expression to the solver.

    Scalarizations work identically to objectives, except they are stored in a different
    dict in the evaluator. If you want to solve the problem using a scalarization, the
    evaluator needs to set it as an optimization target first.

        scalarization (ScalarizationFunction): A scalarization function or a list of
            scalarization functions to be added.
    if not isinstance(scalarization, list):
        scalarization = [scalarization]

    for scal in scalarization:
add_variable(variable: Variable | TensorVariable | list[Variable] | list[TensorVariable]) -> gp.Var